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Andrew Caldwell
Sir James Edward Smith
5 Apr 1796
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/3/12, The Linnean Society of London

Congratulates Smith on his marriage, which he saw announced in the newspaper. Finds himself affected by the "dissipation of a great town" and is content just reading books on botany but honoured Smith has introduced his name into "English Botany". The Dublin Botanic Garden has begun and "liberal fine schemes are in view". The Dublin Society two years ago purchased the collections of [Nathanael Gottfried] Leske [(1751-1786) German botanist], including an herbarium, says that the Society intends to let it remain as an original work and the Society shall begin to form its own herbarium. Also collections of mineralogy, stuffed birds, shells, and insects, some with preservation issues. A man of the same name as Smith is in Ireland who spent £2000 at the Duchess of Portland's sale, asks if Smith knows him. Has noticed a volume by a Schmidt on trees, published in Vienna. Approves of Smith's opinion on Sir Thomas Brown [(1605–1682) physician and author].

The Linnean Society of London
Andrew Caldwell
Sir James Edward Smith
11 Jun 1796
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/3/13, The Linnean Society of London

Aware that Smith is embarking on his travels at the end of the month. Presumes Smith went to Norfolk for the election, is surprised that Windham "came in so easily" given how "out of favour" he deemed him to be when visiting. Criticises the unrepresentative electoral system.

Desirous of having some of Smith's verse, would also like the inscription on Sir Thomas Browne's Monument [(1605–1682) physician and author], feels it was a great omission from the "Norfolk Tour". Hopes Smith will be able to look at the Dublin Society's Leske collection soon. The Dublin Botanic Garden is developing at a great scale and expense but no gardener has as yet been found, asks after the "young man at Kew that the judges thought superior to [William Townsend] Aiton".

Requests a copy of the third volume of the "Linnean Transactions". Enquires after several publications: asks if [Adam] Afzelius is continuing with the "Iter Suecicum"; the new edition of "Hortus Kewensis"; laments abandonment of "Flora Rustica"; frustration that the second edition of the "Dictionary" still does not illustrate terminology; suggests having a map of Linnaeus's journey to accompany the "Flora". Found 'Scilla verna' on a recent excursion to Howth, a local mountain, to the surprise of [Walter] Wade, Daly, Scot and other doctors and botanists, praises Smith's figure of it and describes his specimen.

Sorry to hear of [John] Sibthorp's death, has heard there are plans to publish his travels and a large quantity of manscripts have been left. Asks after [Nicholas] Gwyn. Nearly finished reading second volume of Lorenzo de Medici, surprised that such an elegant work could issue from "the dross of such a place as Liverpool". Has enquired in vain after works of [Jean] Froissart [(c 1337-c 1405)]. Has two specimens of sycamore.

The Linnean Society of London