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Charles Robert Darwin
Johann Friedrich Theodor (Fritz) Müller
11 Jan 1866
Source of text:
The British Library (Loan MS 10 no 5)

Has read FM’s paper on sponges ["Über Darwinella aurea", Arch. Miskrosk. Anat. 1 (1865): 344–53] with interest.

Has also read FM’s work on the metamorphoses of Peneus [Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 3d ser. 14 (1864): 104–15], an interesting and important embryological discovery.

CD regards Louis Agassiz’s opinions as valueless.

Darwin Correspondence Project
Charles Robert Darwin
Alfred Russel Wallace
22 Jan 1866
Source of text:
The British Library (Add 46434, f. 61)

Welcomes ARW’s paper on pigeons ["On the pigeons of the Malay Archipelago", Ibis 1 (1865): 365–400].

Influence of monkeys on distribution of pigeons and parrots.

Asks ARW to explain a passage in his paper on Malayan Papilionidae [Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 25 (1866): 1–71] on how dimorphic forms are produced. CD knows of varieties "that will not blend or intermix", but which produce offspring quite like either parent.

ARW’s remarks on geographical distribution in Celebes "will give a cold shudder to the immutable naturalists".

Presses ARW to work on his travel journal.

Darwin Correspondence Project