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Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
25/29 Jan 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/13, The Linnean Society of London

Afraid to tell Smith of his marriage lest he thought him "a deserter of the good cause"; tells Smith about his wife.

Botanical queries: is there a good figure of true 'Carex saxatilis'; is the true 'Bromus pinnatus' of L.Fl. the 'Bromus pinnatus' of [William] Hudson; when will Smith publish his volume of "Obs[ervationes] Bot[anicae]"; when is fifteenth edition of "Systema Vegetabilium" published. Intends to send Smith the drawings for his work, though fears it will not be complete before Smith finishes his "Systema Vegetabilium". The young [Albrecht von] Haller [(1758-1823)] and [Jacob] Wyttenbach disapprove of his proposed title "Illustrationes Hall.", proposes "Florilegium Helveticum" instead. Berne booksellers wish to reprint [Abrecht von] Haller's [(1708-1777)] "Historia Stirpium" and have requested Davall's plates; [Werner de] Lachenal [(1736-1800)] declines to edit it as he wishes to keep his discoveries for his own "Flora Helvetica".

Criticises [Nikolaus von] Jacquin's "wretched" figure of 'Arenaria liniflora' in "Collectanea" vol 2. Asks for [James] Dickson to respond to his questions on cryptogamia. Sent Smith 'Lichen cucullatus' and seed of 'Geranium pusillum' for William Curtis, and 'Stellaria biflora' of Linnaeus and 'Stellaria cerastoides'. Has specimen of extremely rare 'Sisymbrium tanacetifolium' for Smith. Requests permission to quote Smith's work on 'Sonchus [alpinus]' and 'Stellaria dichotoma'. Longs to study coloured plates of 'Limodorum', 'Tankervilli', and 'Strelitzia', and for [James] Sowerby to copy Miss Lee's drawing of 'Protea mellifera'. Comments on Jacquin's figure of 'Senecio sarracenicus' and 'Senecio nemorensis' in "Flora Austrica". Seeds of 'Hieracium alpinum' for Smith, discusses this plant with reference to [Carlo] Allioni and [John] Lightfoot and degradation of colour in herbarium specimens including 'Trifolium incarnatum'. Difficulties with 'Chenopodium' and discrepancies with Haller. Offers to send paper with drawings on 'Gentiana pedunculata' for Linnean Society, discusses its flower and similarities to 'Swertia carinthiaca' with five small ink sketches. Will send 'Carex tomentosa'. Asks after Smith's ["Icones pictae plantarum rariorum..."] and [Richard] Salisbury's ["Icones stirpium rariorum..."]. Thinks that Wyttenbach "should stick to his minerals" after sending Smith 'Stellaria cerastoides' for 'Cerastium alpinum' to Smith, and the same to himself as 'Arenaria multicaulis'. Small sketch in ink of his newly made herbarium cabinet in the same style as Smith's; ambitions for his collection. Indebted himself £600 in setting up his library.

The Linnean Society of London
Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
27 Feb 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/14, The Linnean Society of London

Sending parcel of one hundred and thirty plants for Smith via Mr Gooch, some of which are from Smith's desiderata, and with this letter includes systematic list of them [extant]. Explains key to his list: plants marked with a red cross urgently need an answer from Smith; plants marked "S" are gathered in Switzerland and "G" from his garden. Smith has further annotated Davall's systematic list of specimens, marking "Fl" on those incorporated into his herbarium and a series of ticks denoting when he wrote his remarks on the specimens.

Also sends six drawings of his work for [James] Sowerby with the original specimens, and two samples of beadwork from a convent for Smith's sister. 'Smithia sensitivia' and 'Diapensia lapponica' framed and glazed in his study. Requests another copy of "Hortus Kewensis" as the "Flemish affairs" prevent communications between Switzerland and England.

The Linnean Society of London
Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
23 Mar 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/16, The Linnean Society of London

Apologises for his initial silence on his marriage. Briefly outlines contents of a parcel of specimens and drawings for Smith sent via Mr Gooch. His 'Bulbodicum' is being included in [Werner de] Lachenal's [(1736-1800)] "Flora Helvitica". Discusses his correspondents [Jacques] Dorthes and [Dominique] Villars; the latter has not yet conceded on 'Sonchus alpinus' and says the 'Arenaria', number fifty on Davall's list, is his 'juniperina'. Asks Smith to stand godfather to his child.

The Linnean Society of London
Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
27 Apr 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/19, The Linnean Society of London

'Cardamine resedifolia' and 'Stellaria cerastoides' growing in his garden. Hopes [Charles St Clair, 13th] Lord Sinclair [(1768-1863)] will be able to deliver the parcel of lichen in fructification and the true 'Stellaria biflora' of Linnaeus. Hopes to publish his work before next March and Smith's "Systema Vegetabilium". Thinks the editors of new edition of [Albrecht von] Haller's "Historia Stirpium" ambitious to think it will appear before Easter 1792.

Pleased with [James] Sowerby's figure of his 'Sisybrium'. The bead work he sent for Smith's sister is from a covent at Pontarlier, [France]. Received "Hortus Kewensis". Wishes for Smith's agreement on differentia specificae of following plants, some include observations of his own: 'Potamogeton (retusum)', 'Gentiana (pedunculata)', 'Chenopdium polyspermum', 'Crepis musicata', 'Spartium decumbens', 'Sisymbrium obtusifolium', and 'Phyteuma'. Impatient for the rest of [James] Dickson's answers on cryptogamia he sent so as to be correct in his new species for [Werner de] Lachenal's "Flora Helvetica". Asks to be recommended to [John] Fairbairn, [James] Lee, and [William] Aiton. Genus 'Potentilla' and number eight on his list of plants sent requires special attention.

The Linnean Society of London
Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
31 May 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/20, The Linnean Society of London

Smith will receive via Mr Mandrot: a parcel of sixty plants; a collection of views of his neighbourhood; "Panzu" "Observationes botanicae", is still waiting for [Nikolaus von] Jacquin's "Enumeratio Stirpium ... agro Vindobonensi"; [Albrecht von] Haller's "Nomenclator" and extremely rare copy of "Catalogus Stirp. rar. Helvetia", he procured three copies from Haller's widow for Smith, [Dominique] Villars, and himself.

Gratified by Smith's response to his request to become godfather to his unborn child, and as he only wanted Smith to be a friend to the child will give it no godparents at all. His own views on religion: feels closest to God in his "herborisations". Thinks it odd that neither [William] Curtis not L'Héritier can admit 'Geranium pusillum'; defends his position. Extensive comments on Smith's notes on previous parcel of plants. Requests bulbs of 'bulbifera' of [James] Dickson. Requests Smith's opinion on 'Stellaria biflora'. Discusses 'Tussilago spuria' and 'Tussilago paradoxa' of [Ander Jahan] Retzius, and a 'Tussilago alba' he transplanted is flowering as 'Tussilago petasites'. Requests Dickson, [John] Fairbairn, [James] Lee, and Curtis to send hims seeds. 'Thlaspi alpestre' and 'Astragalus leucophaeus' in his garden from Smith. Wishes to buy bulbs and roots of Lee: can obtain 'Iris sibirica' and 'Iris germanica' but not 'Iris foetidissima', 'Geranium relflexum'. Desirious to see 'Cnicus cernuus', and would like 'Onopordon deltoides' "Hortus Kewensis" instead of 'Poinciana pulcherrima'. Sorry Lady Rockingham is ill.

Observation on 'Brassica orientalis'. Asks Smith to press Dickson for his opinions on the cryptogamia he sent last year, necessary for them to be authenticated for Swiss flora. Sending parcel of plants for [Samuel] Goodenough. Including 'Mespilus amelanchier' in this letter [in Smith herbarium, see RelatedMaterial below]. Settles money owed Smith for Dickson's first fasciculus of dried plants and postage of various letters.

The Linnean Society of London
Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
29 Jun 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/21, The Linnean Society of London

Found 'Sonchus canadensis', 'Ranunculus alpestris-nivalis', 'Anemone alpina', 'Bryum pomiforme', and 'Bartsia alpina' whilst searching on Mount Suchet for 'Ribes rubrum', which he thinks may be 'Ribes petraeum'. Instructions for [James] Sowerby for plates of his book, including their proposed titles: 'Crepis muricata', 'Micropus erectus', 'Spartium decumbens', 'Sisymbrium obtusifolium', 'Androsace carnea', 'Gentiana tenella', 'Potamogeton retusum', 'Scirpus elongatus', 'Carex myosuroides', and 'Agaricus venosus'. Briefly outlines characters of each for Smith's approval. Intends to name the book "Illustrationes Florae Helvetica". Responds to Smith's comments in his letter of 25 April [1790] on plants he sent Smith [listed in letter of 27 February 1790].

[Werner de] Lachenal [(1736-1800)] offended at impertinent conduct of the young [Albrecht von] Haller [(1758-1823)]. Transcribes, in French, extract from a letter received from Lechanel on Smith.

The Linnean Society of London
Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
14 Sep 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/23, The Linnean Society of London

His wife gave birth to a daughter. He suffered from diarrhea for last three weeks. Collected 'Schoenus ferrugineus' and 'Satyrium repens' for Smith. Will send Smith 'Bartsia alpina' every year. Frustrated that out of paternal concern Mr Mandrot refused to pay more than 10 guineas for [James] Sowerby's work on his plates. Work on his book very slow and does not feel capable of producing a second and in future will send his notes to Smith or publish them through Linnean Society; feels he would be more useful to Smith botanising in his garden and in the wild. [Werner de] Lachenal is not jealous of the book and encourages him as it will be useful for his own intended "Flora Helo. Linnaeus ordine". [Jacob] Wyttenbach and young [Albrecht von] Haller [(1758-1823)] have offended himself and Lachenal in pursuit of their work [new edition of elder Haller's "Icones plantarum Helvetiae"] and transcribes, in French, long extract from offensive letter sent by Wyttenbach who wishes to use Davall's plates in the new edition.

Observations on various Alpine plants: 'Arenaria striata', 'Arenaria liniflora', 'Hypericum babatum', particular observations on 'Hypericum richeri', 'Saxifraga ajugifolia', 'Arenaria grandiflora' and 'Arenaria triflora', 'Arenaria laricifolia' and 'Arenaria liniflora' of Bauhin, now thinks what he thought were two plants of 'Chenopodium polyspermum' are the same plant in different stages of growth. Discusses in detail 'Cerinthe' from one of his previous packets. No longer thinks Haller is correct to name 'Alium angulosum' the same as 'Alium senescens'; compares with plants of [Nikolaus von] Jacquin's "Flora Austriaca" t423 and Gmelin's ["Flora Sibirica"] t11 f3. Discussion of Haller's plants 30 and 31. Anecdote relating to sale of Haller's library: in the same year it was sold to the Emperor there was a fireworks display costing £1500, when a smaller sum would have kept the library. Developing an area in his aunt's garden for shelter and a different exposure for about 800 plants in pots. Convinced Haller's plant number 30, in his parcel of 27 February 1790, is 'Salsola prostrata' of Jacquin's "Flora Austriacta". Plant 59 'Euphorbia gerardiana'.

In postscript down left-hand margin of recto of first folio Davall has written that he has been very ill since writing this letter, and hopes Smith received a letter from Mrs [Henriette] Davall [letter is dated "by post of 14 Sept 1790" but was evidently written before].

The Linnean Society of London
Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
12 Nov 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/26, The Linnean Society of London

Edmund Davall writes: sending small parcel of plants. [Jacob] Wyttenbach and [Albrecht von] Haller [(1758-1823)] have given up plan for their work [new edition of the elder Haller's "Icones plantarum Helvetiae"] and he has refused to allow Wyttenbach a reimpression of his plates for their work; transcribes, in French, Wyttenbach's response. Does not consider it a burden to collect plants such as 'Satyrium repens' for Smith. Procured copy of [Nikolaus von] Jacquin's "Enumeratio stirpium [...] agro Vindobonensi...", with plates, for Smith. Will settle [James] Sowerby's bill for work on his plates, also requests second fasciculus of Sowerby's "Florists Delight" for his wife and commissions drawings of 'Limodorum', 'Tankervilli', 'Strelitzia', 'Protea mellifera' and another "fine showy & rare plants" for his wife's room. Thinks his 'Cerinthe' is Haller's 602, and that Haller may have fabricated descriptions, prefers scientific name 'Cerinthe perennis'.

Henriette Davall writes in a postscript, in French: [description to follow].

The Linnean Society of London