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The Linnean Society of London in contributor 
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Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
11 Oct 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/63, The Linnean Society of London

Hopes Smith received letter of 16 August 1793 and parcel containing plants including 'Orchis abortiva', bottle with flowers of same, and seeds. Feels unwell and low spirited. Sends seeds of 'Lavatera punctata' [Carlo] Allioni "Auctarium", 'Minnartia campestris' L., and 'Androsace lactea', observations including growing recommendations. Thanks for second parcel of Botany Bay plants. Will wait to send Smith's Montpellier parcel till sure of safe carriage. Would have come to England to see Smith but his finances ruined by purchasing books.

Approves of Smith's observations on 'Veronica kamtchatica' in "Linnean Transactions", asks if he will adopt Allioni and [Dominique] Villars' name 'uniflora' for 'Hypochaeris helvetica'. Offers to send "Gesnus dissertatio de Ranunculo bellifloro". Requests copy of a plate for [Jean] Senebier. Sends copy of Burman's "de Geraniis". 'Ranunculus plantaginifolius' of "Systema Vegetabilium" ed 14 found in Swiss Alps this summer; and a 'Bufonia tenuifolia' turned out to be 'Moehringia muscosa'.

The Linnean Society of London
Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
13 Oct 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/64, The Linnean Society of London

Responds to Smith's letter of 24 September: condolences on death of Smith's brother; will enquire of [Jacob] Wyttenbach the particulars of the Berne fireworks display costing more than Haller's collections; comments on error by [Georg Franz] Hoffmann with 'Lichen omphalodes' in "Enumaratio" 4o p.76 and his "Plantae lichenosae" vol 1 p.40. Glad [Adam] Afzelius and François have returned, sorry their collections were attacked by insects so much and asks what liquor Smith uses to protect his specimens. Discusses his agreement with François [Borone] to be supplied with specimens as he is keen to increase his herbarium which is difficult to do in Switzerland; keen to start correspondence and exchange of specimens with [Thomas] Woodward. Will send Smith dried specimens of 'Melampyrum cristatum' this summer, in Switzerland it is a grove plant never seen in corn; he has given a foreign turn to 'Galium pusillum'.

The Linnean Society of London