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George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
22 Aug 1803
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/61, The Linnean Society of London

Numbered observations on enclosed specimens: 1. 'Hieracium cerinthoides', possibly a variety 'H. cerinthoides' of Linnaeus [Smith annotation: "'cerinthoides' laid in"]; 2. a one year old plant of 'Thalpsi incanum' and 'Sagina morina' [Smith annotation: "burnt"]; 3. a lichen which [Dawson] Turner thinks new [Smith annotation: "see letter of June 7 1803"].

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
22 Aug 1803
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/62, The Linnean Society of London

Ill with an inflammatory sore throat for a fortnight. At Smith's request will attempt to provide specific distinction between 'Thlaspi incanum' and 'T. campestre'; numbered observations on differences [also labelled specimens of stem leaves and silicles of each].

Thinks that 'Epilobium cordifolium' seems to stand between 'E. alpinnum' and 'E. montanum'; numbered observations supporting his claim. Numbered observations on enclosed specimens: 1. 'Galium' seeds, either 'G. lemnius' or new; 2. a 'Phascum', probably 'P. nitidum' [Smith annotation: "i.e. 'axillare' right"]; 3. a 'Poa' [Smith annotation: "'glauca' Fl. Brit.? laid in"]; 4. a 'Lichen' possibly 'L. sedum' in fructification [Smith annotation: "'orostheus'? laid in"]; 5. a 'Myostis'.

Believes he sent [James] Sowerby a good specimen of 'Fissidens polycorpus' of Hedwig.

Labelled specimens of 4 stem leaves and silicles of 'Thlaspi incanum'; 2 stem leaves and silicles of 'T. campestre'; 'Phascum nitidum' [Smith annotation: "i.e. 'axillare' right"]; and a piece of bark with lichen fragments.

The Linnean Society of London