Search: Eandi, Anton Maria Vassalli- in author 
The Linnean Society of London in contributor 
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Anton Maria Vassalli- Eandi
Sir James Edward Smith
12 Sep 1821
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/40, The Linnean Society of London

Twenty-fourth volume of transactions of the Academia Reale delle Scienze di Torino [Royal Academy of Sciences Turin], of which he is the secretary, is to be sent to Smith. The complete collection of transactions of the Academy was dispatched to [Alexander] Macleay earlier in the year. Reminds Smith of the exchange of publications between Turin Academy and Linnean Society agreed with Professor [Franco Andrea] Bonelli [(1784-1830), Italian zoologist] when he was assisting with Linnean Society meetings in November 1819.

On verso of second folio Smith has noted: "sent to the Acad. my Compend[iu]m [florae Britannicae] ed. 3d & Linn[aeus'] Orb[is] er[uditi] Judic[ium] [and] Obs[ervationes] in Regn[um] Lap[ideum]".

The Linnean Society of London
Anton Maria Vassalli- Eandi
Sir James Edward Smith
19 Jan 1823
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/41, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for gift of Smith's "Compendium florae Britannicae" and Linnaeus' "Orbis eruditi Judicium" and "Observationes in Regnum Lapideum" to the Academia Reale delle Scienze di Torino [Royal Academy of Sciences Turin]. Twenty-sixth volume of transactions of the Academy has been dispatched for Smith, Linnean Society, and other societies. Confirms Smith is still one of the Academy's twenty foreign members. [Antonio Lodovico] Bellardi gratified by Smith's remembrance of him.

The Linnean Society of London