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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Charles Robert Darwin
6 April 1850
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.274-276, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Charles Darwin [CD] has not been absent from JDH's thoughts during the long break in their correspondence. He probably spoke too strongly about CD's species work & barnacles. speculates that CD was once prone to theoretical considerations about species & unaware of certain difficulties which JDH thought a more intimate acquaintance with species might clear up. Hence was pleased CD took up a difficult group like barnacles. CD's theories have progressed but JDH is not converted. He thought the transitions from one form to another in Sikkim would be more apparent. CD reasons rightly about JDH's Yangma valley; it is undoubtedly a vast moraine. He rejects the Himalayas as an independent chain of mountains & seeks the axis of the great mountain system between the Yarou river & the plains of India. He considers the glaciers of the Himalayan range unrivalled & is convinced they are receding. Explains that it is a double chain likes CD's Andes. [Thomas] Thomson [TT] & [Hugh] Falconer [HF] both regard the greatest Asiatic axis as a sub meridional one. The whole mountain system is incredibly complicated & he exceedingly doubt's Humboldt's system of six Mountain chains. Letter continues under date of 7 Apr. JDH now with HF at Honorable East India Company Botanic Gardens. HF had kept all his letters & overland parcels for five months due to insane procrastination but is now forgiven. HF's society is as ever delightful. HF no longer associates with the Asiatic Society. JDH received CD's Feb letter today & learned that the cold water system has done him much good but is not a cure, JDH sends congratulations on the Darwins' seventh child. JDH came to Calcutta [Kolkata] to persuade Jung Bahadur [JB] to let him travel in Nepal but JB cannot guarantee his safety while absent in England. JDH will therefore go instead to Sylhet then the Khassya [Khasia] Hills & Munnipore [Manipur] with [TT].

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Charles Robert Darwin
26 November 1850
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.315-316, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

No summary available.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Charles Robert Darwin
20 February 1848
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.52-54, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

At Madras [Chennai] JDH asked about cheetahs. Conveys observations on their domestication & hunting. Describes hawking practices & birds used. Observes that natural features separate species but this is only one factor, e.g. different antelopes found on either side of River Soane which should not be a barrier to migration. The different types of Indian elephant also an example of races in districts. Discusses kinds of wild & domesticated dogs & cattle. The native Bison is extinct. Sciurus maximus: Peninsular Squirrel, is example of locality-specific colouring. From behaviour of alpine & plain species observes animals are more able to adapt to heat than cold, altitude a factor. JDH wants a specimen of an alligator from Zillah Shahabad. Deforestation changing climate & killing crocodiles. Observes Sand Martins nests colonised by Phalangium spiders & comments on diurnal migration of Neilgherry Ghaats [Nilgiri Ghats] swallows. Plains are alluvial deposits with interesting mineralogy. Will send Forbes a letter re. coal formation. Re. botany, as Darwin is interested in vegetation of isolated mountains, JDH comments on flora of one he climbed incl. barberry. Has found new species of Vallisneria. 4 Mar: JDH left Williams' geological survey to go to Mirzapore, Calcutta [Kolkata] & Darjeeling in Sikkim Himalaya. JDH's address is botanic garden Calcutta, care of Falconer. Recounts passage out to India. Has stayed with Sir L. Peel, Mr Colvile nephew of Lord Auckland, & at Government House. JDH hopes to join the Geographical Survey of Kamaon by naturalists, covering Sewalik hills to Tibet & Simla to Nepal. Thomson is in Yarkand studying geology & botanical geography, Cunningham in Cashmere [Kashmir] & Strachey in Chinese Tibet. Mentions Equus hermionus, an Auroch horn, his health & plan to go to Cherra Poonjee in Sylhet. Mar 8: en route to Bhagulpore down Ganges. Feb 16: will look for cirripedia for Darwin in Borneo, sends regards to Lyells & recommends Griffith's Journals.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Charles Robert Darwin
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.94, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH delighted by letter from [Charles] Darwin [CD]. [Brian Houghton] Hodgson reading CD’s journal & has some pamphlets on breeds etc for CD from the ASIATIC SOCIETY JOURNAL. Wonders if CD knows of Pallas’ memoir on degeneration of animals. JDH in very good health. [Hugh] Falconer has been unwell but is much better & is trying to get his English time to count towards his length of service. JDH wishes the Darwin’s were all well. Finds CD’s fact about male & female barnacles startling. The Surveyor General [Colonel Waugh] has announced measurements of one of the Himalayan mountains [Kanchenjunga] which make it the highest in the world.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Charles Robert Darwin
13 October 1848
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.112-114, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Apologises for being a poor correspondent to [Charles] Darwin [CD] & [Charles] Lyell. At Darjeeling, JDH is staying with [Brian Houghton] Hodgson [BHH]; a Himalayan naturalist. JDH collects beetles. Discusses [Hugh] Falconer's health, work, East India Company pension & bad behaviour; incl. offending the Asiatic Society President, Colvile. For the rainy season JDH has sent out collectors for live plants & is drying them himself. JDH has not been above 10,000 ft but must see that flora to complete a transverse section of the range & its botanical regions. Lord Dalhousie is seeking permission from the Rajah for JDH to go to Sikkim. Permission granted to travel through Nepaul [Nepal] to Tibet passes. In Dec will explore the Terai recording the rocks, plants, climate & zoology. Has formed good idea of the main plants that define the 'central region'. Discusses geology of the region incl terraces & structure of the mountains. Explains composition of the soil, concentrations of organic material & coal deposits- Mueller does the chemical analysis. Discusses elevations of glaciers. Speculates on geology of Kinchin [Kanchenjunga] & the sudden transition from the sub Himal to higher peaks. The Himalayas need to be studied fully to understand their makeup, so far only the North West corner is known, nobody has explored east of the Kemaon [Kumaon]. JDH is anxious to be the first in this terra nova. BHH sends CD some pamphlets to share with Waterhouse. Relates BHH's answers to CD's questions re: climate for seedlings in India, cultivation of European vegetables, tea plants at Cathmandu [Kathmandu], introduction of the Junma goat, interbreeding of Axis medius & Hemitragus quadri-mammis & Yak or Bison with Buffalo to produce zobos, breeding of wild & domesticated fowl & dogs , bulls covering deer like Rusa hippelaphus, the habits of Tussa silk moth. Duel, death & children of Captain C.. Sends wishes to Darwin family, Wsdgewoods, Westwood, Forbes, Lyells, Horners, Owen & Bell.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Charles Robert Darwin
3 February 1849
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.131-135, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH writes to Darwin about his travels in Sikkim, specifically Kinchin [Kanchenjunga]. Account of other parts of travels, incl. Nepal, were set to Lyell. Discusses the geography of the region, comprised of many mountain spurs & two great rives, one the Teesta. Native villages built on terraces, not usually found above 5000 ft. Valleys are steep & clad in forest to 12000 ft. Discusses effect in varying mean elevation on vegetation e.g. tropical flora advances further North in Nepal. There is geological evidence of a larger body of water than the current rivers once covering the land, notably deposit of red clay to 12000 ft. Makes further detailed geological observations including notable lack of feldspar. Notes that holy lakes have no outlet but drain away underneath, describes visiting the largest of the lakes & rite performed there. Letter includes diagrams showing cross sections of the mountain ridges. Mentions a Bhothea temple: Catsuperri Goompa. Describes meeting [Archibald] Campbell & Sikkim Rajah at Teesta River & climbing a Mt with the former as high as an abandoned Buddhist Temple with an impressive view towards Bhutan & Nepal. Descended to the Great Rungeet River. Visited Pemiongchi convents with impressive paintings. Describes Yoksun [Yoksom] village, notable for being on rare flat ground, & ascent of Ratong Valley. Observes that abandoned salt trading post, Jongri, 13000 ft, is on a spur unusually covered with gravel mounds, granite boulders & little lake beds with shingle deposits, the formation of which is a mystery. Observes typical glacial & snow bed features appear in great number in Ratong Valley. Compares the forming spurs here to those in Nepal. Describes the peak of Pundim: made from Gneiss & veins of plutonic rock capped with white rock. Ends with some observations on quartz, mica schist & stratified rocks & absence of Hornblends augite or volcanic minerals. Sends regards to Wedgewoods & Bell.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Charles Robert Darwin
3 February 1849
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.136-137, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH received letter of Oct 6, concerning poor health of Darwin. Requests that his own letters containing speculations are kept or recorded for future discussion at Down. Congratulates Lyell on his Knighthood, & Mrs Lyell. Pamphlets by Hodgson sent Oct 2. He exclaims what have Barnacles to do with ornamental poultry. He refers to his unacknowledged account of the cattle hunt in Ross’ VOYAGE [OF DISCOVERY AND RESEARCH IN THE SOUTHERN AND ANTARCTIC REGIONS]. He regrets the unfavourable review of his letters by the ATHENAEUM, for his father’s sake. He refers to his father’s & Bessy’s [Elizabeth Hooker]poor health. Requests that extracts from his letters to Darwin or Lyell concerning the highest mountain in the world [Kanchenjunga] be sent to the ATHENAEUM to re-establish his credit. He compares his own industry with Humboldt’s natural talents. Lightheartedly compares Barnacle behaviour with polygamy of Bothea [Bhotia] women & refers to work on Cirripedes. He urges Darwin not to fight for the perpetuity of names, referring to the pride & conflicting interests amongst naturalists, & to the fields of mineralogy & chemistry, & to Humboldt & Henslow. He discusses the presidential post [of the Asiatic Society] & dispute between Colevile & Falconer & the correspondence with them. Falconer has gone to Moulmain [Mawlamyine] to report on the Teak Timber & JDH has not heard from him in 6 months whilst a 'nobody' has been put in charge of the [Calcutta Botanic] garden. He describes the altitude sickness he suffered at 1500 feet in the 'snowy passes' & doubts he could climb beyond 1800 feet.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Charles Robert Darwin
24 June 1849
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.187-188, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH writes to [Charles] Darwin [CD], having read his letter & the one to Hodgson with interest. He expresses his sympathy for CD’s bereavement & H. Wedgewood’s pecuniary loss. JDH discusses CD’s health. The Rajah is being difficult but JDH refers all his grievances to [Archibald] Campbell at Darjeeling. He has reached the Tibetan borders north east of Darjeeling but his Lepchas are afraid. JDH discusses food & provisions; he is clear of the 'malarious' valleys. He wishes to compare the cis & trans slopes but cannot go into Tibet. He compares the landscape to Salvator Rosa’s paintings. The vegetation is rhododendron scrub with pines below. JDH describes exploring the Terai plains & discusses the geology & history of the Himalayas. JDH discusses the particulars & possible glacial formation of the Yangma Valley lake beds & terraces & includes small sketches. He refers to CD’s remarks on the granite construct of the Cordillera [Letter appears incomplete]

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Charles Robert Darwin
30 September 1849
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.217-218, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

No summary available.

Hooker Project
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Transcription available