Search: Hooker, J. D. in author 
Thiselton-Dyer, William Turner in correspondent 
1870-1879::1875 in date 
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond in repository 
Hooker, J. D. in correspondent 
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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer
Source of text:
JDH/2/16 f.26, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH advises Sir William Thiselton-Dyer not to despair of the Linnean Society. He states that it is for younger men to take the society forward. He is encouraged by the accession of new members. He has given Allman his approval of [John] Gwyn Jeffreys as the Treasurer. JDH is making geological observations in the Malverns & Cotswolds with [Reverend William Samuel] Symonds. JDH thinks tickets have been sent to 'all the men...[Thiselton-Dyer] mentions'. Either JDH or White can provide ticket to the Royal Society soiree for Mr Vines.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer
Source of text:
JDH/2/16 f.28, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH informs Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer that he has 'caught' a lord who wants to become a member of the Linnean Society: Lord Arthur Russell M.P.. Wallace of Colchester also hopes to join soon. JDH mentions that Charles Lyell's family are pleased he is to be buried in Westminster Abbey even though it will cost them £300. JDH is sending Reeve [his publisher] statement of correction for the FLORA OF BRITISH INDIA.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer
Source of text:
JDH/2/16 f.29, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH thanks Sir William Turner Thiseton-Dyer for his offer to assist JDH with the Macmillan Science Primer [BOTANY]. JDH's plan for the book is to write a series of short introductions to plants incl. some on physiology. The book would be in two parts: facts for the pupil & things they must observe for themselves. JDH asks Thiselton-Dyer to help him write the physiology introductions, he has already written one on cell contents but thinks Thiselton-Dyer could do it better.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer
12 June 1875
Source of text:
JDH/2/16 f.30, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH discusses arrangements for securing Thiselton-Dyer's pay for his new position [as Assistant Director of RBG Kew]. There has been some delay on Lord Henrys'[?] part. JDH is anxious for Thiselton-Dyer to start work & congratulates him on getting the job, which he hopes has also pleased Thiselton-Dyer's family.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer
28 June 1875
Source of text:
JDH/2/16 f.31, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH thanks Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer for his letter & sympathises with the trouble he has had about 'the cheque'. He mentions the theft of Bain's portrait. Reeve [Pulishing Company] has not returned the [BOTANICAL] MAGAZINE proofs he promised which will delay publication of some [species] descriptions. JDH has transferred Orychophragmus back to the genus Moricandia from where Bunge had placed it in ragworts[?]. JDH has got engaged to Lady [Hyacinth] Jardine & informed his family.

Hooker Project