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Hooker (nee Symonds, then Jardine), Lady Hyacinth in addressee 
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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Lady Hyacinth Hooker (nee Symonds, then Jardine)
8 February 1878
Source of text:
JDH/2/22/2 f.44, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

All London is talking about a report of the Russians advancing into Constantinople [Istanbul], if true it will mean war but JDH is sceptical. George Henslow has visited JDH. He has worked on the Indian flora for JDH but his work is poor & will need to be redone. William Thiselton-Dyer is to give a series of lectures on botany at the Royal Institution, which will be good for the reputation of RBG, Kew. JDH is with John Henry Lefroy, asks if Hyacinth mentioned calling on Lady Charlotte Anna Lefroy to Mrs Lyell. JDH will write to Dr Low about vaccinations. Everyone is going to 'Stanley's lecture'. JDH sends his love to all at Down [Down House] & tells Hyacinth to kiss the baby for him.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Lady Hyacinth Hooker (nee Symonds, then Jardine)
Source of text:
JDH/2/22/2 f.45, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

No summary available.

Hooker Project