Hoping to publish a register of examples of curves based on his own Septenary system of generating lines. Would JH be interested?
Hoping to publish a register of examples of curves based on his own Septenary system of generating lines. Would JH be interested?
Sending diagrams of Halley's Comet traced from a work, The Orbs of Heaven.
Outlining his geometrical laws for the Great Pyramid.
Pleased to hear that he has received his statements representing curves; comments on these. Further regarding his views on the Great Pyramid.
Saw J. S. Perring for only a short time. Explained his own theories and models of the Great Pyramid at the Royal Institution. Enlarges on his theories. Has been invited to lecture to the Sino-Egyptian Society.
Unable to give in a letter the practical geometrical results he has worked out from the laws of the king's chamber of the Great Pyramid. It would grace a history of Egyptian astronomy.
Thanks for his letter. Any astronomical observations can be recorded on a plane or spherical surface. 108 equal cubes will exactly fill the coffer in the king's chamber of the Great Pyramid.
Outlining a method for making star maps with a pyramid.
Encloses [a diagram] of the transverse section of the entrance of the Great Pyramid, with details of the travelling platform for making observations.
Has received colored tracing from Italy of drawings by Col. Beek. Compares them with what may be done using the Great Pyramid.
Encloses another design for permanent lines on the faces of a pyramid to observe and record astronomical facts; comments on his methods.
Is obliged for his note and statement on the necessity of pegs at the ends of the lines of the Great Pyramid; comments on this. Has seen Augustus De Morgan and explained his theories. Urges the need for a permanent practical geometrical gallery.
Several of the illustrations in JH's Outlines Astr. have a familiar look. Doubtless all based on eternal laws. Comments on his own theories.