Thanks for Smith's letter; account of their recent movements. [Johann Georg Adam] Forster's [(1754-1794), botanist] herbarium has now arrived in London for him, the original herbarium of "Florulae Insularum Australium Prodromus", details of arrangement; some of the New Zealand plants could be similar to their New South Wales plants, useful for Smith's "New Holland Prodromus".
Received [William] Sole's book on mints, and fresh specimens of all his species, anxious to hear Smith's opinion on them. Received confirmation that Sole's 'Mentha pratensis' is a garden escape. Asks if Smith received two copies of Jacquin's "Hortus Schoembrunensis". Requests specimens of all Smith's new genera in "Linnean Transactions" vol 4. Asks after [William] Roxburgh. Sent [James] Sowerby 'Polypodium oreopteris' of [James] Dickson.