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John Pitchford
Sir James Edward Smith
Oct 1782
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/24/53, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for specimens; disappointed in obtaining some of Smith's desiderata, but hopes to acquire 'Ophrys aranifera' and 'Genista pilosa' from [Thomas] Woodward, as well as 'Stratiotes aloides'. Hopes Smith is enjoying his time and excursions in Scotland. Obstinate remitting, intermitting fevers in Norwich not yielding to "the Bark"; they are using a red bark taken in a Spanish prize, said to be stronger than the common.

Discusses Norwich 'Lichen', including: 'L. tartareus', 'L. parellus', 'L. pertusus', 'L. ventosus', and 'L. gelidus'; queries meaning of word "testaceus". Believes 'Cynosurus caeruleus' and 'Fontinalis pennata' Smith sent are incorrectly named; suggests 'Festuca decumbens' and 'Hypnum complanatum', respectively. [James] Crowe has a valuable Yorkshire correspondent, Mr Alexander, who supplies many plants, including 'L. fluviatilis'. Recent acquisitions: 'Tremella nostoi' and 'Peziza acetabulum', Sir Thomas Cullum found possible 'L. nivalis'. Plant supposed to be 'Hydnum imbricatum' not so; notes.

Comments on Smith's remarks on Crowe's 'Elymus', which had also been confirmed by Sir Joseph Banks and young Linnaeus in London.

The Linnean Society of London
John Pitchford
Sir James Edward Smith
12 Oct 1782
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/24/54, The Linnean Society of London

Has been preparing parcel of Smith's desiderata. Smith's letter to his wife "very gallant". List of part of his desiderata, largely Cryptogamic in nature. Details of method by which he is sending Smith's parcel. Asks if 'Schoenus ferrugineus' has been found in Britain.

List of plant specimens gathered by [Thomas] Woodward.

The Linnean Society of London
John Pitchford
Sir James Edward Smith
30 Nov 1782
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/24/55, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for specimens; pleased Smith received his, including "fine" specimen of 'Arundo epigejos' from [Thomas] Woodward. His and [James] Crowe's opinion of Smith's doubtful plants: 'Lichen lanatus' is 'L. pubescens', 'L. sinuatus' is 'L. marginalis', 'L. sylvaticus' correct, 'Byssus cryptarum' is 'B. saxatalis', 'Fontinalis squamosa' or 'minor' is 'F. antipyretica' flowering, notes. Encloses specimens of 'F. squamosa' and 'F. minor' [extant].

Information on Mr Alexander of Halifax, Yorkshire, who is to be a physician or surgeon and who is currently training in London. Hopes Smith's studies are going well; does not mind making up prescriptions for Smith's patients, though "the poor must not be forgot".

Requests specimens of 'L. horizontalis', 'L. torrefactus', 'L. polyphyllus', 'L. caeruleo-nigricans', 'Saxifraga nivalis', and 'Saxifraga hypnoides'. Has not yet examined Smith's 'Fucus pygmaeus' with the mosses. Particular thanks for specimens of 'L.glomuliferus', 'L. vespartillio', 'Juncus trifidus', and 'Gnaphalium supinum'.

Specimen of 'Fontinalis squamosa', with note, and specimen of 'Fontinalis minor', with note.

The Linnean Society of London
John Pitchford
Sir James Edward Smith
Apr 1782
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/8/56, The Linnean Society of London

Does not think botany is essential to medical education beyond knowing which plants are used in medicine. Botanical discoveries: Sir Joseph Banks and [Daniel] Solander call Smith's 'Lichen miniatus' 'L. deustus'; [James] Crowe and [James] Dickson found 30 new cryptogamic species in Norfolk including two 'Pezizas' and a Jungermannia called 'hypnoides'; [Henry] Bryant found Dillenius' 'Sphaerocephalus terrestris minimus'; [Robert] Stone of Bungay [(d 1829)] discovered 'Hydnum imbricatum' and 'Lycoperdon coliforme'; description of a 'Fungus pulverulentus [...]' Ray "Synopsis methodica" 28.12. Discussion of plants: has not seen 'Lichen pullus' or 'Fucus palmatus'; Crowe's 'Lichen horizaontalis'; mistook 'Lichen parellus' for 'Lichen pertusus'; discoveries of 'Helvella caryophyllaea', 'Lichen miniatus', 'Boletus lucidus'; hopes to send 'Agaricus quercinus', 'Agaricus betulinus', and 'Boletus fomentarius'. Young [Carl] Linnaeus [(1741-1783)] is in London, has stopped his publication plans on account of Banks' 40,000 discoveries [possibly Australian plants].

The Linnean Society of London
John Pitchford
Sir James Edward Smith
21 Dec 1782
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/8/57, The Linnean Society of London

Discusses the decocting of "red bark", possibly for agues: [William] Withering uses 'Salix alba', Smith recommends 'Salix myrsinites'. [John] Lightfoot says the 'Fontinalis pennata' Smith found is 'Hypnum complanatum'. Discussion of lichens: does not believe Smith's two 'Lichen parellus' specimens are distinct; agrees with 'L. pertusus'; Smith's 'L. gelidus' accords with Hudson ["Flora Anglica"] but does not think it distinct from 'L. ventosus'; mistakenly called 'L. fluviatilis' 'L. vivularis'; requests 'L. vespertilis', 'L. marginalis', and 'L. sylvaticus'; London botanists wrong about 'L. cristatus' and 'L. crispus', errors with Dillenius' plate of it; requests 'L. vernalis' of Lightfoot and 'L. fernugineus' of Hudson; Lightfoot's 'L. aurantiacus' is Hudson's 'L. ferrugineus' and not 'L. flavo-rubescens'; unsure what Lightfoot's 'L. vernalis' is in Hudson.

The Linnean Society of London