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William Roxburgh
Sir James Edward Smith
27 Dec 1794
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/8/107, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 16 December 1793 and letter and potato seeds from Mr Molesworth, none of them grew. Thanks for observations on the three 'Indigofera' plants, was uncertain about his 'Indigofera caeralia' ['Indigofera caerulea'?], comments that the seeds "vegetate" with difficulty which may prevent it being universally cultivated. Has sent Smith two capsules of 'Dillenia indica' and seeds of 53 species including 'Flemingia', shall send later 'Dillenia' flowers preserved in spirits. Sending 400 drawings, including 200 grasses, to the Directors [of the East India Company], wants Smith to point out any errors in them. Disappointed by his failure to grow 'Lythrum' as they do not have it but says 'Flemingia' is much more elegant. [John] Fleming [(1747-1829)], the East India Company's Surgeon-General, is a skilled botanist. Brief description of 'Jonesia', will send a full description if it is suitable for Smith's "Icones Pictae".

Has obtained seeds of 'Ipomaea grandiflora', the 'Munda-valli' of "Hortus Malabaricus"; Gaertner incorrect thinking it 'Bona-nox' which is Roxburgh's 'Ipomaea bona-nox', both are in Roxburgh's drawings numbers 567 and 568. Has procured living plants of Sir William Jones' 'Jatamansi', the real 'Spikenard': Jones concluded it was a 'Valerian' from the imperfect description he worked from; recommends Garcias ab Hotor's figure; believes Jones' plant is the 'Spikenard' of the ancients. Has been promised plants of 'Andropogon', a "medicine of repute of these countries", which Dr Blane took for the 'Spikenard'.

Several of the plant names have crosses next to them and some plant names are underlined in pencil.

The Linnean Society of London
William Roxburgh
Sir James Edward Smith
27-28 Dec 1794
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/8/108, The Linnean Society of London

Sending seeds of 'Munda-valli' ['Ipomaea grandiflora'] and 'Ipomaea bona-nox' in addition to other seeds recently despatched, extract from previous letter of same date regarding same. Describes fragrance of 'Munda-valli' flowers. Asks for seeds to be shared with Mr Molesworth and Dr [Patrick] Russell [(1727-1805) East India Company physician].

The Linnean Society of London