Search: Smith, James Edward in author 
Roscoe, William in correspondent 
Smith, James Edward in correspondent 
1800-1809::1806 in date 
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Sir James Edward Smith
William Roscoe
25 Jan 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/29, The Linnean Society of London

Has been waiting for Roscoe's 'Sciatamineae' paper so he can proceed with plants from that family in "Exotic botany". His leg still healing but is much better.

Indignant at a critical review of Roscoe's book ["Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth"]; [William Fitt] Drake's theory as to the author. Fears imminent second edition of his "[Sketch of a ] tour [of the continent]" will be similarly treated. Gives his complimentary opinion of "Leo", though agrees with "country gentlemen" in wishing for a translation of the poetry and quotations and questions use of English in another section.

Sir Joseph Banks has offered to mediate between himself and [Richard] Salisbury, who initially thought Smith was being too severe until further explanation. Received another "most abusive & rascally" letter from Salisbury offering to resign vice-presidentship and detailing illegal property. [William] Salisbury [(d 1823/1829)], the nurseryman, says his name is ruined for £500 a year as people assume he belongs to the Yorkshire [Richard] Salisbury and will not deal with him.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
William Roscoe
2 Apr 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/31, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Roscoe's letter of 1 March. Critiques in detail Roscoe's paper on Scitamineae plants; believes it will do Roscoe "great honour" as a botanist he is the first to give a "plausible account" of these genera; a point that could have been alluded to; corrections of punctuation, quotations, spelling, and words for characteristics; asks whether 'Roscoia' is to remain in 'Amomum'.

[Richard] Salisbury has published a "most abusive & lying pamphlet" against "English Botany" ["Generic characters in the English Botany"], which he has ignored, along with two letters received since his last conclusive one. No one is paying Salisbury any attention and are anxious for Smith to keep his silence. Composed new introductory letter for Royal Institution, refuting Salisbury and not honouring him with apparent notice. Transcribes a mocking "motto" for [Salisbury] and [William] Hooker's [(1779-1832), botanical artist] "Paradisus [Londinensis]".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
William Roscoe
2 Jun 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/33, The Linnean Society of London

Details reception of Roscoe's paper [on 'Scitamineae'] at Linnean Society; approved by everybody, especially [Jonas] Dryander, who has suggested some changes in terminology after he and Smith went through all the paper's references and specimens. [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert and [William Townsend] Aiton also praised it, though they are convinced Roscoe could not have had the knowledge and materials and that it was written by Smith.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
William Roscoe
16 Oct 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/38, The Linnean Society of London

[James] Sowerby will send Roscoe as many copies of "Exotic botany" as needed but warns him of Sowerby's poor business skills. "Exotic botany" has to become more profitable for Sowerby to take up Roscoe's plan [to tour the country drawing rare plants in private collections]; Sowerby had intended to stop it until publishers Longman and co. agreed to take it on. Transcribes text for Lord [Edward Smith-]Stanley's FLS nomination certificate.

About to send first 2000 plants of herbarium and wishes them to be purchased by or for a public body, specifically Liverpool [Botanic] Garden; confident of a total of 8 to 10,000 species, "a respectable herbarium, especially with Linnaean authority", excluding fungi, and treated to last as long as the paper.

On Roscoe's advice reprinted the first sheet of "Flora Graeca". Criticises habit for naturalists to use people's names "unchanged in the nominative, but declined", though regrets engraving of 'Salvia sibthorpii' in "Flora Graeca". Questions Roscoe on the authorities he used in his 'Scitaminiae' paper, including 'Canna augustifolia'. Discusses 'Amomum exscapum' following receipt of many new 'Amomum' species from [Adam] Afzelius including 'Grana paradisi'. Has learnt much from original Dutch manuscript of "Hortus Malabaricus" that Linnaeus received with the Surinam plants, including on 'Renealmia exaltata' and 'Amomum repens'. Received new species of 'Hedychium' from [Francis] Buchanan and will put one in Roscoe's Liverpool herbarium along with a duplicate of 'Roscoea', discusses rules for assenting its character. Discusses Correa's idea that every order has one or more genera with irregular and regular flowers, which he has seen confirmed with 'Leguminosae', 'Caryophylleae', 'Saxifraga', 'Celsia', 'Verbascum', and 'Iberis'. Thinks Roscoe should print the synoptical table with his paper [on 'Scitamineae'].

Notes that [Richard] Salisbury's "abusive pamphlet" has been quoted against him in Salisbury's "Paradisus Londinensis"; [William Fitt] Drake's opinion of the matter; resolved to remain silent but desirous for it to be known that the quarrel is about "more essential things than Bot[an]y". [Sir Joseph] Banks' sketch of 'Hura siamensium' and Retzius' description is all they have to identify the plant, a 'Globba'. Plans being made for Drake to obtain a government appointment in Buenos Aires, [Argentina]. Parliament dissolved; confident of [Thomas William] Coke and [William] Windham [(1750-1810), politician] for Norfolk.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
William Roscoe
11 Nov 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/40, The Linnean Society of London

Congratulates Roscoe on his election as MP; excitement of his family. William Smith lost his Norwich seat here thanks to efforts of "contemptible beings". Considers the impact of Roscoe's election on the slave trade, which shows that "even Liverpool can do better without it"; general election excitement. Mr Creery will be glad of Roscoe's election.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
William Roscoe
19 Nov 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/42, The Linnean Society of London

Intends to exercise Roscoe's "newly acquired gift of franking in the service of botany"; sends 'Tangionia hypophylla' for John Shepherd [(c 1764-1836, curator Liverpool Botanic Garden]. Sending Roscoe's 'Scitamineae' paper in several franks. Will ensure Lord [Edward Smith-]Stanley's FLS nomination certificate is completed.

Norfolk county elections are closing with [Thomas William] Coke and [William] Windham [(1750-1810), politician] "some hundreds" ahead of Wodehouse, and at one of his dinners Coke toasted "Mr Roscoe & the abolition of the slave trade [...] 3 times 3"; Coke's favourable opinion of Roscoe based on his winning the Liverpool election with the motto "no slave trade"; Roscoe should visit Coke and [Andrew] Fountaine to see their libraries, manuscripts, and porcelain.

[Letter possibly incomplete: no signature or valediction]

The Linnean Society of London