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Sir James Edward Smith
Pleasance Smith
26 Apr 1798
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/19/72, The Linnean Society of London

Replies to Pleasance's letter of 15 [April 1798]. Account of his journey to Oxford. Account of visit to Peter Collinson's [(1694-1768)] garden at Mill Hill, [Middlesex], with [Aylmer Bourke] and [Catherine] Lambert. Attended Mrs [Sarah] Siddon's [(1755-1831), actress] benefit with Mrs Lambert, "The Stranger" and "The Devil to Pay" were performed; his opinion. Arrangements for travelling to Hafod, [Cardiganshire, home of Thomas Johnes]. Opinion of others on the Welsh views. Home in June to meet Frederick and Emma [Smith's brother and sister-in-law].

[Letter incomplete: second folio cropped, presumed destroyed]

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Pleasance Smith
2 May 1798
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/19/73, The Linnean Society of London

Preparations by Oxford academics in case of invasion. Account of his journey to Hafod [home of Thomas Johnes]. His patient, [Mariamne Johnes], not as well as expected; a lumbar abscess in her thigh. Glad Pleasance does not seem "really unhappy about the invasion"; he expects they will keep the country in suspense; trusts the Navy will prevent any landings.

[Letter incomplete: folio[s] appear to be missing, presumed destroyed]

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
James Sowerby
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/JS/4, The Linnean Society of London

Finds that no.427 [of "English botany"] they settled on for 'Tragopogon pratense' is already occupied by 'Humulus lupulus'. Encloses drawing of 'T. farfara' no.429; he will bring the rest, with the 'Boronia', to Sir Joseph Banks'. Considering beginning vol 7 [of "English botany"] with 'Epimedium alpinum'.

List of plants for plates 415-435.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
17 Jan 1798
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/83, The Linnean Society of London

Note on letter received 5 February [1798].

Sorry to have not written since 2 November 1796; informed by Bracy Clark that Davall is in bad health. His move to Norwich successful and happily settled with wife and no children. Has been in Wales treating [Mariamne] Johnes' diseased spine. Working on "Flora Britannica". Anxious to send Davall continuation of "English Botany". Has been studying [William] Sherard's [(1659-1728)] herbarium at Oxford and can now settle 'Mentha' to his satisfaction: gives botanical characters of 'M. arvensis', 'M. gentilis', 'M. sativa', 'M. pulegium', and thinks there are no real differences in species between 'capitate' and verticillate'. Publishing a volume of "Tracts relating to natural history"; contents. Lady Rockingham often asks after Davall.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
15 Mar 1798
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/86, The Linnean Society of London

Relieved to receive Henriette Davall's account of his health. Thinks Davall's disorder is debility and prescribes Peruvian bark taken in peppermint tea, does not see the benefit of a milk diet and recommends plain light meats, warns against too debilitating a plan in case it causes apoplexy, fits, and fainting, not to load stomach with physic or food, take light plain broth or a little solid meat and keep bowels gently open. For uneasiness in head recommends bathing legs and feet in warm water before bed. Suspects he has taken too much physic and has too "Sangrado-like" a doctor [sangrado, Spanish for bleeding].

Lists his plans and destinations for year. Continuing work on "Flora Britannica" though currently cannot do more than five plants a day, just through 'tetrandria', grasses very troublesome. Sorry Davall has not received "English Botany" 42 to 66 he sent with letter of 2 November 1796 listing his reasons for moving to Norwich - domestic comfort, cheapness, command of time, and good air, his health much better. Offers to send "English Botany" and [James] Sowerby's "Fungi".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
18 Apr 1798
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/87, The Linnean Society of London

Note on letter received 7 May [1798].

Glad that Bracy Clark is with Davall, has received full account of Davall's health and symptoms in Clark's letters. Concludes that Davall chiefly needs repose. Reassures Davall not to worry about the fate of England, "every nerve will be exerted in National defence", he relies on "our navy, which has always saved us". Would like to send his just printed "Tracts relating to natural history". "English Botany" to be doubled to twelve plants a month. Extremely busy: his plans for next few months. Requests seeds of 'Pinus cembra' for [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert as he is writing on the genus.

Note for Bracy Clark on second folio, cropped.

The Linnean Society of London