Encloses Pinguicula specimens.
Believes she has found a new species of water-lily.
Showing 1–9 of 9 items
Encloses Pinguicula specimens.
Believes she has found a new species of water-lily.
Sends her article on Utricularia ["Is the valve of Utricularia sensitive?", Harper’s New Mon. Mag. 52 (1875): 382–7].
Proposes to write on Sarracenia ["Carnivorous plants of Florida", Harper’s New Mon. Mag. 53 (1876): 546–8, 710–14].
Describes fly-catching activity of Drosera longifolia.
Experiments on Papilio asterias; sex of adult determined by length of larval feeding time.
Drosera filiformis captures only small insects [but see 8989].
Writes of her experiments with butterflies.
CD’s theory steadily gains ground in the U. S., despite Agassiz.
Reports in detail on her experiments with Drosera. Finds she was mistaken in thinking D. filiformis captured only small insects.
Sends her observations on Dionaea capturing insects. [See Insectivorous plants, pp. 311–12.]
Observation on the limitations on the power of digestion in Dionaea.
Observations on the insects captured by Utricularia.
Structure of Utricularia; its resemblance to an animal vascular system.