Search: Joseph Dalton Hooker in collection 
[Gray, Asa] in correspondent 
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond in repository 
1870-1879 in date 
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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
[Asa Gray]
Source of text:
JDH/2/22/1/1 f.35, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

[Letter incomplete. This letter bears no salutation or date & begins mid sentence. The date & recipient of the letter have been surmised from adjacent letters in the series.] JDH writes of a speech given about the work of his father, Sir William Jackson Hooker. At this event JDH's health was given by Colvile, JDH in turn toasted Airys, of whom he has a low opinion. Mentions that he had previously been unaware of 'Park's obliquities'. Provides Asa Gray with references for Agarista from Don & De Candolle. Mentions Gray's feelings about his students passing & compares them to his lingering memories of his sea travels, including an apocryphal story about a retired boatswain. Penstemon palmeri is not featured in the BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. Backhouse is selfish about sharing the material Gray sends him. JDH is glad Gray will use Hillebrands seeds. JDH has finished part two of THE FLORA OF BRITISH INDIA with Amantiaceae[?] & Geraniaceae. He lists which orders different botanists will work on for part three. Bennett will do Sernambaceae[?], Ochna, Bursaria; Hiern Meliaceae; JDH Chaetost[oma] & Sabiaceae; Masters Olaceae, Thiselton-Dyer Anacard[iaceae] & Baker Leguminosae. He is also working on the GENERA PLANTARUM, for which George Bentham is doing the Mimoseae.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
[Asa Gray]
Source of text:
JDH/2/22/1/1 f.45, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

[Letter appears to be incomplete as it bears no formal salutation, & the only date given has been added in pencil in a hand not that of the original author.] In the letter JDH writes to [Asa Gray] informing him that he is going to Belfast for the British Association. He will 'begin' at the Royal Society in November. Explains why he has refused Knight Commandership of St Michael & St George. As President of the Royal Society he feels he will inevitably be offered Knight Commandership of the Order of the Bath & will be obliged to accept even though he & his wife, Hyacinth Hooker, do not like such titles. In a post script he adds that Baker has Gay's plants ready for Gray & Mrs [Elizabeth] Lombe is unwell.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
[Asa Gray]
6 June 1875
Source of text:
JDH/2/22/1/1 f.48, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Partial letter comprised of a post script only, the rest of the letter is not extant in the archive. The date has been added in pencil in a hand not that of the original author, Joseph Dalton Hooker. There is no salutation but based on the letters which make up the rest of the volume the recipient is presumed to be Asa Gray. JDH asks Gray if he has any spare West African plants from the set sent to him by RBG Kew. Friedrich Welwitsch claims not to have received a set & it is possible they were sent to Gray in error, though more likely they were lost in Welwitsch's travels between London & Portugal. In turn Welwitsch has not shared his own herbarium, which is needed to complete the FLORA OF TROPICAL AFRICA.

Hooker Project