Search: Joseph Dalton Hooker in collection 
Hooker (nee Turner), Lady Maria in correspondent 
1840-1849::1849::04 in date 
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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Lady Maria Hooker (nee Turner)
6 April 1849
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.154-155, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH is at Calcutta [Kolkata] with [Hugh] Falconer. He has failed regarding Nepal so will travel towards Sylhet & Khassya [Khasi]. Uncomfortable terms with Commander in Chief Sir Charles Napier, mean Lord Dalhousie has refused permission for [Thomas] Thomson to spend a year with JDH on duty so he will take it as furlough. JDH discusses Calcutta Society & his friends & acquaintances there, who include: the Colviles; Colonel Thornsby, the British Resident at the Court of Nepal; the Taylers, including Miss T who will do JDH’s portrait better than her father; Jung Bahadur; Gurney’s friend Reverend Street; & the old Bishop of Calcutta. He describes the Nepalese Princes currently in Calcutta, they will visit RBG Kew having paid penance for crossing the water at the temple of Juggernauth. Mr Tayler gave JDH a picture of Kinchin-Junga [Kanchenjunga] as seen from [Brian Houghton] Hodgson’s window JDH will have [Walter Hood] Fitch copy & return the painting & ask Reeves to publish the copy in lithograph with sales profits going to the Linnean Society. JDH is sending sandalwood boxes for his mother & the RBG Kew museum. It is not worth sending unauthentic, overpriced gold jewellery & trinkets. JDH describes his time at Government House with Lord Dalhousie, Metcalfe & Bowie, the latter was prisoner to Shere Singh with the Lawrences during the battles of Chillianwallah, Ramnagar & Goojaret [Gujerat]. He mentions that Courtenay sings at the grand parties & that horses in Calcutta are expensive. JDH will leave for Darjeeling on 9 Apr. He mentions Isabella’s gossip concerning Dr [Archibald] Campbell, Willy, Glasgow College, a Dr C. of Largs & Dr McGilvray.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Lady Maria Hooker (nee Turner)
26 April 1849
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.163, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

By this mail JDH has already written to WJH, Frances [Henslow], Colonel Sabine & Humboldt & is sending specimens of cloths for the RBG Kew museum. He has no news of his servant Clamanze reaching Calcutta [Kolkata] with his collections. He comments on the health & employment of [Thomas]Thomson[TT]. Illness caused TT to give up on his reports at Ferozepore [Firozpur]& go to Simla [Shimla], leaving his collections at Calcutta. Lord Dalhousie & the Court of Directors have refused to let TT join JDH. TT intends to join his regiment in the Punjab next Nov & then take leave to join JDH. Before leaving India TT will visit his cousin Sconce at Chittagong via the Cossya & Tiphera &JDH wants to go too. TT has been effected by the deaths of Professor Thompson & [George] Gardener. TT recommends WJH buy GG's collections through the agency of JDH & the Colonial Office. This would interfere with Borneo but JDH does not care where he is employed & leaves the decision to his father. JDH gives Bessy a message about his dog.

Hooker Project