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Gray, Asa in correspondent 
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Charles Robert Darwin
Asa Gray
20 July [1857]
Source of text:
Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Harvard University (9b)

Believes species have arisen, like domestic varieties, with much extinction, and that there are no such things as independently created species. Explains why he believes species of the same genus generally have a common or continuous area; they are actual lineal descendants.

Discusses fertilisation in the bud and the insect pollination of papilionaceous flowers. His theory explains why, despite the risk of injury, cross-fertilisation is usual in the animal and vegetable kingdoms, even in hermaphrodites.

Darwin Correspondence Project
Asa Gray
Charles Robert Darwin
7 July 1857
Source of text:
DAR 205.9: 381; DAR 165: 98

Believes, with CD, that extinction may be an important factor in explaining plant distributions, but sees no reason why the several species of a genus must ever have had a common or continuous area. "Convince me of that, or show me any good grounds for it … and I think you would carry me a good way with you". It is just such people as AG that CD has to satisfy and convince.

Feels that the crossing of individuals is important in repressing variation and perhaps in perpetuating the species, but instances some plants in which it cannot, apparently, take place.

Darwin Correspondence Project