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Davall, Edmund in correspondent 
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Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
2 Dec 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/43, The Linnean Society of London

Suffering from "a perpetual return of obstructions" and "excessive habit of costiveness" which no remedies will remove. Believes he has found 'Lichen confluens' and 'Lichen cinereo-fuscus' Weber, will send for Smith's consideration, and 'Lichen fulgens' Swartz or 'Lichen citrinus' Hedwig. Regrets his "ill treaty" with [Harvey] Spragg and his copy of Dillenius' "Historia Muscorum"; how many copies are buried in public libraries or in private hands whilst many including him "suffer & linger by the privation". His interest in cryptogams; he sent Smith the common '[Lichen] fagineus' for pleasure of it authenticated by Smith, as he is still a novice.

Recently became acquainted with [Horace-Bénédict] de Saussure [(1740-1799)] and gave him roots of 'Geranium phaeum' and 'G. lividum', Swiss plants he had sought in vain, though he is more a lithologist than botanist. De Saussure collected lichens during an expedition on Mont Blanc, an account of which was published July 1788, and intended to send them to [Georg Franz] Hoffmann for identification but Davall persuaded him to send them to Smith instead. Transcribes, in French, part of de Saussure's letter acceptance, in French. Transcribes, in French, letter received from [Carlo] Bellardi with article for Smith.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
30 Dec 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/44, The Linnean Society of London

Note in Davall's hand that this letter was received 13 January 1792.

Acknowledges receipt of Davall's letters of 6 November, with seeds, and 2 December, and parcel of plants via Mr Mandrot. Observations on plants, ordered by Greek letters: 'Trifolium rubens' HL, 'Trifolium pratense' HL, 'Trifolium alpestre' HL, 'Trifolium filforme' HL, 'Astragalus cicer' Linnaeus, 'Serapias palustris' HL, 'Potentilla norvegica' HL, 'Gnaphalium sylvaticum', 'Filago germanica' HL, 'Crepis dioscorides' HL, 'Festuca', 'Cuscuta europaea', 'Veronica hybrida' HL, 'Centaurea paniculata' HL, 'Campanula rhomboidalis', 'Thalictrum lucidum', 'Geranium sanguineum', 'Geranium rotundifolium', 'Lotus maritimus' HL, 'Sisymbrium murale' HL, 'Cheiranthus alpinus' Jacquin, 'Sium latifolium' HL, 'Lychius quadridentata' HL, '[Lychius] alpestris' HL, 'Silene alpestris' "Hortus Kewensis" and Jacquin.

Observations on plants, ordered by Roman letters: '[Arenaria] ciliata', 'Anemone sulphurea', '[Thlaspi] alpestre' HL, 'Erysimum cheiranthoides' HL, 'Lathyrus cicera' HL, 'Lathyrus palustris' HL, 'Orchis palustris' Jacquin, 'Acrostichum ilvense' Hudson, 'Acer opalus', 'Lavatera punctata', and 'Carduus crispus' HL.

Responds to Davall's letter of 6 November: pleased by his approval of first volume of "Linnean Transactions" but thinks his scheme for Linnean Society figuring plants not feasible; has not heard from [Werner de] Lachenal [(1736-1800)] or [Dominique] Villars, and Villars may have heard of his 'Arenaria' from Professor Wiborg at Copenhagen; thanks for seeds, gave most to Fairbairn and some to [William] Aiton [(1731-1793)]; [William] Curtis angry with Smith for helping [James] Sowerby with "English Botany" as he thinks it infringes on his domain, he owes Sowerby £50 and is a "man of very unsound principle, & a bad temper at bottom"; [Edward] Forster sorry Davall is not impressed with the specimens he sent, which he thought very valuable; does not know Davall's lichen 46, and 48 is found in England on Charlton Church and used to be called 'Lichen cretaceus'; will send on "English Botany" and box of lichens.

Responds to Davall's letter of 2 December: distressed by Davall's ill health, essential for him to exercise, asks if fruit is laxative or not for him and whether red port makes him costive; thanks Davall for enabling exchange of lichens with with [Horace Bénédict] de Saussure [(1740-1799)]; will write to [Carlo] Bellardi; wishes to settle about 'Davallia' as what he intended is a 'Trianthema', asks if he would prefer 'Trichomanes canariense' or an Indian genus from his uncoloured icones.

His brother Richard spending the winter in a lodging by himself, "doing nothing, & burying good taste & abilities in mere sloth". Lady Rockingham in good health. Many seeds from Botany Bay lately.

The Linnean Society of London