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Davall, Edmund in correspondent 
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Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
16 Aug 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/61, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 2 July and parcel of plants via Mandrot. Apologises for upsetting Smith with anecdote of arrogant apothecary; his love of Smith and apprecitation of his work. Davall considered impertinent to be meddling with Swiss plants. Intends his herbarium to be richer and more correct herbarium than those who get their plants from botanic gardens of Gottingen and Tubingen; when François [Borone] returns to England wishes to adopt plan for receiving specimens from English gardens. Surprised how many of the Botany Bay plants received from Smith are '-oides'.

Wishes to exchange plants with [Thomas] Woodward mentioned in [William] Withering's ["Botanical arrangement"]. Enjoying "English Botany" especially the maritime plants; suggests figuring 'Lichen omphalodes' because [Georg Franz] Hoffmann figured it as his 'pulvernlentus' "Enumeratio lichenum" p.76 based on [John] Lightfoot's '[Lichen] stellaris' and Hoffmann in "Plantae Lichenosa" vol 1 p.40 says this plant is not 'omphalodes'. Laments confusion caused by the "compilating labours of so many authors who pretend to give instruction on objects they never saw" and notes additional error in Hoffmann's "Enumeratio" regarding Lightfoot's 'plumbeus' and 'squamosus'. Intrigued by "English Botany's" 'Galium pusillum' and 'Thlaspi alpestre' and exclusively sends Smith seeds of 'Thlaspi montanum'.

Botanical observations on seeds sent to exclusively to Smith: 'Avena strigosa' Retzius; 'Mespilus (Crataegus) chamaemespilus'; 'Myagrum' no. 19 of his parcel by Mandrot 1793; an 'Ononis' not in Linnaeus no. 82 of parcel by Gooch February 1790; 'Thlaspi montanum' Haller "Historia stirpium" No.518 raised from three seeds found on wild plant 2 August 1791 near "famous 'Pierre pertuis'" as indicated by Haller not far from Soncebau, further observations on his plant; knows nothing of 'Thlaspi praecox'. Botanical observations on seeds sent to Smith and Aiton: 'Prenanthes viminea', 'Scabiosa hybrida' Allioni, 'Veronica praecox' Allioni.

Critiques [Nikolaus von] Jacquin "Collectanea ad botanicam" vol 4 p.220 citing 'Alstromeria pelegrina' in his "Hortus Botanicus Vindobonensis" without giving figure of fruit; Davall has 'Antirrhinum arvense' for Jacquin's 'A. parviflorum' in "Collectanea" vol 4 p.204 as confirmed by Smith's answer to no.17 of parcel by Mandrot 1791.

Thanks Smith for seed of 'Silene anglica', sends seed of 'Silene bellidifolia'. Delighted by 'Orchideae' in "English Botany", especially 'Ophrys loeselii' and 'Malaxis paludosa'. Sends specimens of 'Orchis abortiva' including flowers in brandy and 'Carex' specimens for [Samuel] Goodenough's paper, one 'C. leporina' of "Flora Lapponica". 'Orchis ustulata' very common in Switzerland. Prefers Rivinus' figure of 'Melampyrum cristatum' to that in "English Botany".

Instructions from Mrs Davall to Miss Smith for knitting a purse. Instructions for sending parcels to Switzerland unharmed. Intends to commission Messrs Minier, Marson & Teesdale to send provision of garden seeds every autumn. Hoping to send paper for Linnean Society on 'Schoenus ferrugineus' based on drawing and work of Mr DuCros, the only botanist he associates with in Switzerland; does not consider Wyttenbach a botanist. Recommends DuCros as an FMLS, his favourite study is mosses and he sent [James] Dickson cryptogamia.

Postscript on left hand margin of verso of second folio: wrote glad [William] Aiton [(1731-1793)] was pleased with the 'Arenaria grandiflora' he sent, they talk much of his 'Morina' and has asked Aiton to send any seeds to Smith. Additional postscript on left hand margin of verso of first folio: severe drought in Switzerland. Additional postscript on left hand margin of recto of first folio: Smith to expect plants by middle of September, and header of first folio; his infant son healthy.

The Linnean Society of London