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Nathaniel John Winch
Sir James Edward Smith
13 May 1813
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/26/59, The Linnean Society of London

Observing by last number of "English botany" that Smith is beginning to be short of plants has gleaned his herbarium for plants which he now encloses, listed: 1. 'Gnaphalium' from Skye; 2. 'Senecio lividus' for its habitat, frequent Newcastle; 3. 'Viola grandiflora' of the gardens; 4. 'V. amano' Ben Lawers; 5. female 'Salix arenaria'; 6. 'S. andersoniana'; 7. 'S. rupestris'; 8. 'S. incubacea'; 9. 'S. septentrienalis' L'Héritier; 10. 'S. mysinites'; 11. 'S. rubra'; 12. 'S. mollissima'.

Observations on 'Ribes spicatum'. 'Draba incana' in "English botany" is "ten times too large". Will procure 'Rosa rubella' with flowers and fruit this summer. Will send the packet to Smith via [James] Sowerby; would not have written by post "but to prevent it laying six months in his museum".

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Martyn
Sir James Edward Smith
27 May 1813
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/7/7, The Linnean Society of London

Smith's candidature for Professorship at Cambridge University. Offers to write to the Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge [William Chafy (1779-1843) vice-chancellor 1813 & 1829] in support of Smith's candidature. Warns of impediments: the lecture room has been given up to Dr Clarke, Professor of Mineralogy, and a lack of interest in the subject meant [Richard] Relhan had difficulties making up a class when he lectured on botany. Although has no intention of retiring concedes the possibility of being incapacitated. Discusses other candidates and the university establishment, explains the three components of his position (University Professorship, Walkerian lectureship attached to Botanic Garden, and Regius Professorship) and suggests a course of action: if Smith secures majority support of the Botanic Garden governors then he would resign the lectureship in Smith's favour, strengthening Smith's position for the Regius Professorship at his death.

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
28 May 1813
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/80, The Linnean Society of London

Numbered observations on enclosed specimens [some extant]: 1. a more mature specimen of the 'Juncus' sent in his last letter; 2. the 'Draba' sent in his last letter, with seeds; 3. the 'Cochlearia' sent in his last letter, with spotted leaves, proposes name 'C. maculata'; 4. a 'Poa' discovered last year; 5. a beautiful dwarf 'Geum' from Clova mountains; 6. 'Lotus alpinus; thinks the 'Eriophorum' sent in his last letter is still distinct; 7. a 'Carex' separate from 'C. caespitosa' and 'C. panacea'; 8. a 'Juncus' distinct from 'J. pilosus' and 'J. forsterii'; 9. possible 'Holcus odoratus' of Linnaeus; 10. a truly beautiful 'Viola', constantly blue; 11. another 'Viola' with crumpled leaves; 12. a new 'Lamium' formerly called 'L. intermedium' but nearer Smith's 'L. palmatum'; 13. another 'Lamium', thinks Smith's 'L. moschatum'; 14. a 'Saxifraga' Smith concluded to be 'S. pedatifida', differences; 15. 'Saxifraga angustifolia' of [James] Donn [(1758-1813), curator of Cambridge Botanic Garden]; 16. a 'Saxifraga' between 'S. granulata'; 17. a 'Saxifraga' near no.15 but smoother and more blanched; 18. very rare and elegant 'Saxifraga'.

Five specimens.

The Linnean Society of London