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William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
8 Feb 1819
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/117, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for letters from Smith and William Smith regarding the sale of his picture collection; their purchase by the [Liverpool Royal] Institution is not yet settled but will take up William Smith's offer of assistance in selling them if they do not. Sending Smith a copy of his pamphlet and asks his opinion, which he implicitly relies on; defends himself against possible detractors.

The Linnean Society of London
Catherine Lambert
Sir James Edward Smith
9 Feb [1819]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/6/91, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for turkey. [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert unable to write as suffering from a toothache. A vote at the Linnean Society led by Lambert failed in removing the "tanners' and some other house", smell so offensive that [William George] Maton had to leave before dinner was over. A mild winter. Describes attractions of Boyton House, Wiltshire, including gardens. Praises Smith's "sublime hymns". Discusses poetry including "odditys [sic]"of Lord Byron and Lord [Thomas] Erskine's [1st Baron Erskine (1750-1823), lord chancellor] poem "The Farmer's Vision". Sir Joseph [Banks] ill, discussion of [Sarah Sophia] Banks' will [(1744-1818), sister of Banks and collector of antiquarian items, ]. Has seen Lady Banks and the Countess Bentinck, and Maton in connection with Banks' health.

The Linnean Society of London
Karl Heinrich Mertens
Sir James Edward Smith
20 Feb 1819
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/7/71, The Linnean Society of London

His father [Franz Karl Mertens] suffering from a "tedious & painfull" indisposition of his eyes, so on his father's behalf thanks Smith for present of willow cuttings, but as only nine of the eighteen specimens have grown requests fresh replacements and asks that they to be sent via his brother-in-law Theodore Zimmermann. Lists those willows that grew at end of letter: 'Salix malifolia', 'Salix russelliana', 'Salix acuminata', 'Salix lanceolata', 'Salix hirta', 'Salix rubra', 'Salix purpurea', 'Salix decipiens', and 'Salix phylicifolia'.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
William Swainson
2 Feb 1819
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/MS273/2, The Linnean Society of London

Apologises for delay in remarking on plants sent by Swainson; finishing his part of Rees's "Cyclopedia". "Little hairy fern with simple fronds" found Rio Janeiro agrees in size and shape with 'Blechnum Lanceola' of Swartz in Stockholm Transns. for 1817. p. 71. t. 3. f. 2; observations. Grass marked 'Digitaria of Persoon?' is 'Paspalum conjugatum' Willd. Sp. M., also 'P. dissectum' of Linnaeus' Syst. Nat. ed. 12. v. 2. Dark-cold grass from "deep forests at Pernambuco" another 'Paspalum', species unknown. 'Cyperus', 'culm triangular, bogs at Pernambuco' unknown. "Very rare" grass, from "sandy table lands in the interior of Pernambuco", close to 'Agrostis radiata' of Linnaeus. 'Cassia' "in dry sandy tracts" unknown. A new 'Lythrum', near 'racemosum' but distinct. An 'Eriocaulon fasciculatum' of Lamarck & Willdenow, or very near it. Their plant appears to want the many awlshaped leaves of the common calyx, or involucrum. A 'Campanula' appears to be 'C. minor ['minima'] africana, erini facie &c', Hermann Leigd. Bot. 108. t. 111, erroneously cited by Linnaeus for his 'C. erinoides'; has this plant from Sierra Leone. Does not have his 'Hyptis' under that genus, does not seem to be any of Willdenow's.

The Linnean Society of London