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Woodward, Thomas Jenkinson in correspondent 
1790-1799::1791::12 in date 
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Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
19 Dec 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/51, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for present of game. For his paper on ferns asks Woodward whether he prefers the genus they agreed, 'Asplenium nodosum', not common in gardens, or 'Trichomanes canariense', which is; if Woodward chooses the 'Asplenium' he will name the other 'Davallia', otherwise will call the 'Asplenium' 'Porocarpus'.

Continuing work on his "Tour of the Continent"; has been "very ample" in his account of [Jean Jacques] Rousseau [(1712-1778), philosopher] and had intended to attempt an apology for him until seeing Capel Lofft's [(1751-1824), radical editor and writer] "most eloquent & sufficient" defence of him against [Edmund] Burke [(1730-1797), politician]. Recently received many specimens from Botany Bay; difficulty of settling natural order of some. Second fasciculus of "Icones pictae" printing and last two fasciculus of Dickson's "dried plants" will complete the work. 'Ligusticum cornubiense' figured in next fasciculus of "Icones pictae". Sorry for recurrence of Woodward's old complaint, urges him to come to London for medical advice.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
28 Dec 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/52, The Linnean Society of London

Smith's busyness; glad their acquaintance commenced before Smith acquired "the greatest treasure England can boast". Lets Smith decide which genus to rename 'Woodwardia', hopes a 'Dicksonia' will accompany that and 'Davallia'. Anticipating Smith's "Flora Lapponica" and "Icones [pictae]", [James] Dickson's "Fasc[iculus plantarum cryptogamicarum Britanniae]", and [Johann] Schreber's [(1739-1810)] "Genera plantarum". Reports greatly exaggerated of his suffering a severe attack of his disorder shortly after Smith left Norfolk; his symptoms. Hopes [William] Withering is elected to Linnean Society; he and Professor [Thomas] Martyn nominate [Revd Thomas] Zouch, minister of the late Mr Tunstall's parish and highly esteemed by him, and [Revd Charles] Favell; Favell found 'Anagallis foemina' in his parish, will send specimens for [James] Sowerby if desired.

Glad Smith enjoyed the game he sent from [Andrew] Fountaine's, though he has given up shooting; will also send a turkey so Smith can wish them many happy Christmases and prosperous New Years, though it is "out of fashion now". [John] Pitchford has corresponded with [William] Sole on mints, from his letters he seems a "very queer genius"; Sole angry with Smith for having spoken "so slightingly" of [John] Hill's [(1716-1775), botanist] "Vegetable System". Eager to see a good figure of 'Ligusticum cornubiense'.

The Linnean Society of London