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Linnean Society of London in repository 
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Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
15 Jan 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/39, The Linnean Society of London

Mild and wet winter but his health good aside from remains of rheumatism. His farm goes on, "like the nation, very flourishing"; financial issues. Anticipating arrival of "Linnean Transactions". Intends to meet [Samuel] Goodenough in London to accelerate their work of examining 'Fucus', will finish his 'Lycoperdon' paper afterwards. Requests return of his paper on 'Fucus [fastigiatus]' and 'F. farcellatus' for revision; requests loan of Linnaean 'F. farcellatus'.

Commissions London lodgings from Smith; his requirements. Intends to wait for an original edition of Leers' "Flora" as the plates in the new edition are badly copied. Discusses Sir John Rous' [1st Earl of Stradbroke (1750-1827), politician] and Lady Rous' interests in botany; John is more practical, forming large plantations with American and other forest trees, he may buy Smith's L'Héritier for his wife. Discusses Smith's forthcoming publications. Discusses specimens or figures of 'Lycoperdon coliforme' and 'Ligusticum cornubiense'; [William] Hudson's statement of knowing its habitat "a piece with the rest of his assertions"; thinks the fire was fortunate for his credit as he could not have always refused a reference to his specimens.

Urges Smith to publish his travel journal, to "convince the world that a botanist can write English intelligibly & that he can give some observations beyond the names & places of growth of plants".

The Linnean Society of London
William Roxburgh
Nathaniel Kindersley
12 Jan 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/25/10, The Linnean Society of London

He has prepared a very large assortment of specimens of grasses for Smith, which he is sending with other items to Dr Russell. Transcribes extract from his letter to Russell requesting him to forward parcel to Smith. Asks Kindersley to explain to Smith the difficulties of making up such collections in countries without assistance and with poor botanical libraries.

The Linnean Society of London
Louis Gérard
Sir James Edward Smith
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/5/10, The Linnean Society of London

Pleasure at Smith's visit; his work on plants of Provence; the Linnaean collections; 'Daphne alpina'; observations on Pliny; works of Linnaeus; copies of Linnaean letters.

Copy of letter from Linnaeus to Gérard, dated 22 June 1756, in Smith's hand [8 pp]:

Thanks for Gérard's letter of 30 November 1755, parcel of 100 dried plants, and seeds. Struggling to progress with his work on account of corrections to be made. Impressed by Gérard's progress and abilities; has learnt more from Gérard's plant collections than from many books. Numbered observations on plants sent by Gérard. Asks Gérard to investigate 'Allium' of [Pierre] Magnol's "Botanicum Monspeliense". Recent publications and dissertations, including his own. Catalogue of parcel of plants Gérard sent Linnaeus.

Copy of letter from Linnaeus to Gérard, dated 24 October 1756 [5 pp]:

Responds to queries in Gerard's letter of 15 August [1756], including: state of Cliffortian garden; Royen's departure from Leyden botanic garden; received floras from Heintzelman, Gerberius, and Messerschmidt; Gmelin produced two volume "Flora Siberica" but died last year; [John] Sibthorp will not produce biographies of Sherard and Dillenius; has not seen Gesner's "Trevisum" works; details of pupils who are travelling overseas. List of numbered plants.

The Linnean Society of London
Ottaviano Targioni Tozzetti
Sir James Edward Smith
28 Jan 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/3, The Linnean Society of London

Enquires whether Smith received two letters he sent some time ago, the first with seeds requested by Smith [this was received, letter of 18 Mar 1788], and the second introducing Father Balsamo of Siciliy [not extant] and thanking Smith for seeds of 'Caroline'. Seeds of 'Hedisarum gyrans' sent by Smith have grown but not yet flowered. Sending list of seeds picked last year [from botanic garden of Santa Maria Nuova hospital] [not extant].

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/13, The Linnean Society of London

Corrections and comments on Smith's usage of Latin in a manuscript sent for review [possibly Smith's translation of "Flora Lapponica"]. Asks Smith to confirm what he wrote of 'Lichen gypsaeus' and briefly discusses Linnaeus' terminology. In reference to 'Lichen tiliaceus' quotes a Latin remark about [Georg Franz] Hoffmann. Terminology applied in description of 'Lichen cucullatus'. Long discussion of usage and eytymology of "scutella"; "scutellum" incorrectly used by Linnaeus in "Philosophia Botanica", whereas the younger Linnaeus used "scutella"; wishes the elder Linnaeus had been more of a scholar.

Met [Jonas Carl] Dryander on way to Kew where two species of 'Aponogeton' are in flower, the 'Fudisia' [?] with "red superb flowers". Note on reverse of letter asks Smith to send the specimen of 'Cistus guttatus'.

The Linnean Society of London
Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
25/29 Jan 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/13, The Linnean Society of London

Afraid to tell Smith of his marriage lest he thought him "a deserter of the good cause"; tells Smith about his wife.

Botanical queries: is there a good figure of true 'Carex saxatilis'; is the true 'Bromus pinnatus' of L.Fl. the 'Bromus pinnatus' of [William] Hudson; when will Smith publish his volume of "Obs[ervationes] Bot[anicae]"; when is fifteenth edition of "Systema Vegetabilium" published. Intends to send Smith the drawings for his work, though fears it will not be complete before Smith finishes his "Systema Vegetabilium". The young [Albrecht von] Haller [(1758-1823)] and [Jacob] Wyttenbach disapprove of his proposed title "Illustrationes Hall.", proposes "Florilegium Helveticum" instead. Berne booksellers wish to reprint [Abrecht von] Haller's [(1708-1777)] "Historia Stirpium" and have requested Davall's plates; [Werner de] Lachenal [(1736-1800)] declines to edit it as he wishes to keep his discoveries for his own "Flora Helvetica".

Criticises [Nikolaus von] Jacquin's "wretched" figure of 'Arenaria liniflora' in "Collectanea" vol 2. Asks for [James] Dickson to respond to his questions on cryptogamia. Sent Smith 'Lichen cucullatus' and seed of 'Geranium pusillum' for William Curtis, and 'Stellaria biflora' of Linnaeus and 'Stellaria cerastoides'. Has specimen of extremely rare 'Sisymbrium tanacetifolium' for Smith. Requests permission to quote Smith's work on 'Sonchus [alpinus]' and 'Stellaria dichotoma'. Longs to study coloured plates of 'Limodorum', 'Tankervilli', and 'Strelitzia', and for [James] Sowerby to copy Miss Lee's drawing of 'Protea mellifera'. Comments on Jacquin's figure of 'Senecio sarracenicus' and 'Senecio nemorensis' in "Flora Austrica". Seeds of 'Hieracium alpinum' for Smith, discusses this plant with reference to [Carlo] Allioni and [John] Lightfoot and degradation of colour in herbarium specimens including 'Trifolium incarnatum'. Difficulties with 'Chenopodium' and discrepancies with Haller. Offers to send paper with drawings on 'Gentiana pedunculata' for Linnean Society, discusses its flower and similarities to 'Swertia carinthiaca' with five small ink sketches. Will send 'Carex tomentosa'. Asks after Smith's ["Icones pictae plantarum rariorum..."] and [Richard] Salisbury's ["Icones stirpium rariorum..."]. Thinks that Wyttenbach "should stick to his minerals" after sending Smith 'Stellaria cerastoides' for 'Cerastium alpinum' to Smith, and the same to himself as 'Arenaria multicaulis'. Small sketch in ink of his newly made herbarium cabinet in the same style as Smith's; ambitions for his collection. Indebted himself £600 in setting up his library.

The Linnean Society of London