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Mary Watson- Wentworth
Sir James Edward Smith
7 Sep 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/15/116, The Linnean Society of London

Condolences on death of Smith's brother. Invites Smith and the Sierra Leone travellers [Adam Afzelius and François Borone] to visit when suitable. Another of her Sierra Leone bulbs is flowering. Sending Smith a "little pig" from her farm.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
21 Sep 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/76, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for "[Botany of] New Holland" and specimens; glad to hear a second fasciculus is printing and a third "Icones [pictae]" will appear. Hopes death of Smith's brother, Richard, was natural, though knowing his situation and "perverseness" had his doubts and fears. Envies Smith his visit to Dr [Nichola] Gwyn in Ipswich, [Suffolk], and Harwich, [Essex]; finding of a 'Mentha' a "very capital discovery", should figure in "English botany", will inform [John] Pitchford, though doubts he will get through his mints. Gave [David Elisha] Davy Smith's specimen of 'Satyrium', as requested, does not grow near Bungay. Glad to see 'Linum tenuifolium'; distinct from their plant and specimens of wild 'L. angustifolium'.

Agrees to [Edmund] Davall's proposal to exchange specimens. Glad to hear of safe return of [Adam] Afzelius and François [Borone]. Has been studying 'Fucus abrotanifolius', 'F. foeniculaceus', and 'F. concatenatus'; detailed observations of each and character descripton of 'F. abrotanifolius'. Heard Smith is visiting Lady Rockingham and other botanical friends before returning to Frogmore [lecturing the Queen and Princesses]. Sends specimen of unknown plant picked at Lowestoft, [Suffolk] [Smith has annotated 'Spergula nodosa'].

The Linnean Society of London
Richard Pulteney
Sir James Edward Smith
8 Sep 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/24/102, The Linnean Society of London

Still unable to obtain growing plants of 'Gentiana filiformis'. Encloses 'Locus natalis'. Thanks for Smith's observations on 'Lichen', agrees that 'L. barbatus' and 'L. articulatus' do not differ specifically. Desires copy of Tode's "Fungi Mecklenburgenses" and Smith's "Tour of the Continent".

The Linnean Society of London
Andrew Caldwell
Sir James Edward Smith
23 Sep 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/3/3, The Linnean Society of London

Progress made in the establishment of a Botanic Garden, under the patronage of the Dublin Society and a Parliamentary committee headed by the Speaker of the [Irish] House of Commons, [John] Foster [(1740-1828) 1st Baron Oriel] , with a suitable ground for purchase being found. Description of the land, which once belonged to [Patrick] Delany [(1686-1768) writer] and was frequented by Jonathan Swift "and all the people of literature of that day". Uncertain about Foster's proposal that it should also be a garden for "agricultural experiments", relates a similar, unhappy, experience of the Dublin Society's several years ago in which Wynne Baker almost bankrupted the Society with additional costs. Has found 'Parnassia', 'Hypericum elodes', 'Pinguicula', and 'Gentiana amarella' with [Walter] Wade, praises accuracy and clarity of figures in "English Botany". Has not seen "Doctor Martin's Botanic Dictionary" but bemoans the fact that botanic dictionaries are "generally loaded compilations", and gives his opinions on how they could be truly useful, including clarifying ambiguous terminology. States reasons why he is dissatisfied by the described difference between 'Ranunculus flamula' and 'Ranunculus lingua'. Believes 'Salvia' in the "Systema Vegetabilium" may be incorrectly described, possibly due to a printing error. Complains that [William] Curtis procrastinates with the publication of his "Flora Londinensis". Observes a possible error in "Curtis's Botanical Magazine no. 77".

The Linnean Society of London
Antonio José Cavanilles
Sir James Edward Smith
27 Sep 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/3/49, The Linnean Society of London

Has made third journey to Valencia; sends plants for determination.

The Linnean Society of London
Jean Pierre Marie Dana
Sir James Edward Smith
[Sep 1793]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/4/5, The Linnean Society of London

Sending books to Smith on the ship "Buxton", captained by Clement Wertz, including 30 copies of Smith's [unspecified] paper on ferns and six copies of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Turin's fifth volume, one for Smith and the others to be distributed to Mr Priestly, Mr Herschel, the Astronomical Society of London, the Society of Philadelphia, and the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Boston. Has not sent the six volumes of memoirs of the Royal Agricultural Society of Turin because of the risk of the sea voyage in the present time of war. All correspondence with the French is being intercepted and the route through Germany is not suitable for packages. [Carlo] Allioni sends his respects.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Pennant
Sir James Edward Smith
21 Sep 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/8/26, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for information from Kinnersley [probably Nathaniel Kinderely (d 1808), a relation of Smith's who spent time in India]. A forthcoming marriage in his family. Correcting the Indian section of his "Outlines of the Globe" for the specimen volume alluded to in his "Literary Life".

The Linnean Society of London
John Pitchford
Sir James Edward Smith
28 Sep 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/8/64, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for '[Mentha] exigua', on comparing it with 'Mentha pulegium' convinced it is idential to Linnaeus' one [Smith has briefly annotated one of Pitchford's observations], believes he will have to give up his description of 'Mentha' on account of not being able to settle how to distinguish them. Believes it impossible to get a new species out of variations of leaf in 'Mentha gentilis' as Edward Forster has claimed to do with ['Mentha exigua'], and that [Thomas] Woodward is also wrong supposing it a rediscovery of [John] Ray's 'Mentha aquatica exigua', believes 'M. exigua' is simply 'M. pulegium'. Condolonces to Smith family on their loss. Asks [James] Sowerby to send Sir William Jerningham [6th Baronet (1736-1809)] "English Botany" from number 24 onwards.

The Linnean Society of London
Heinrich Adolph Schrader
Sir James Edward Smith
24 Sep 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/9/27, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Smith's letter of 24 May [1793]. 'Bryum' and 'Hypnum' desiderata. A specimen of 'Hypnum' is attached.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
16 Sep 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/16, The Linnean Society of London

Has just returned from a month long visit to Hastings, Sussex, where he saw the India, Jamaica, and Oporto fleets and collected marine plants. Fishermen brought a blue shark, 'Squalus glaucus', to shore, and as [Thomas] Pennant had only briefly spoken of the species decided to make a full description of it, and had an outline drawing of it made; proposes it for a paper [published as 'A Description of the Porbeagle Shark']. Has a specimen of 'Asplenium marinum' for Linnean Society herbarium. Found two new 'Ulvae' at Hastings. Asks the progress of printing of his paper on 'Carex'; wishes [John] Sibthorp could see it before he finishes his "Flora Oxoniensis". Baroness [Henriette Charlotte von] Itzenplitz has giving birth to a son at Kew.

On reverse of letter note "do get my vol. of Phil. Transactions" and a column of amounts of money.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
24 Sep 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/17, The Linnean Society of London

'Rottoellia compressa' from Botany Bay, [Australia], is in flower at Kew; would like Smith to see it as it is one of the badly described plants in the younger Linnaeus' "Supplementum" and believes it may actually be new. Proposes an errata for his paper on 'Carex'. Unsure if his paper on 'Squalus glaucus' will be ready for first volume of "Linnean Transactions" and whether it was male or female.

Asks Smith to tell the Queen [Charlotte (1744-1818), wife of George III] how he is filled with honour on being admitted to see her "Lightfootian 'Carices'" and should also want to see the 'Fucus' and 'Confervae'.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
24 Sep 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/62, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Davall's letter of 16 August, packets of plant and seeds and bottle of 'Orchis abortiva' flowers. The '-oides' names given to the Australian plants are only temporary; working on a "Natural History of New Holland" with Dr [George] Shaw, unhappy with plan for each number to have two plates each of plants and animals but settled by Wilson who gave him the plants.

His youngest brother has died though as he had "fallen into total indolence" it is no loss; transcribes epitaph written for his grave and comments on his early promise including almost winning Royal Academy gold medal for design of a church. Hopes to publish "Sketch of a Tour on the Continent" in December and urgently requests Davall to confirm his anecdote about Berne holding a fireworks display costing twice the amount Haller's collections were for in same year. Urges Davall not to fret over jealousy of the Swiss, "the envy of fools is one of the rewards of merit".

Thanks for Davall's observations on 'Lichen omphalodes', which will be tab 150 in "English Botany", 145 to be 'Pinguicula lusitanica', and 146 'Pyrola uniflora' from Scotland. [Adam] Afzelius and François safely returned from Sierra Leone with many fine things though climate too damp and insectiferous for specimens, the fruits and capsules most wonderful. Asks Davall to explain his and François [Borone's] scheme involving English garden specimens. [Thomas] Woodward happy to exchange specimens with Davall, as he uses Haller's books hopes Davall will convert him to Swiss botany. Is the Geneva 'Melampryum cristatum' different to the English. Would prefer Davall to send an original paper not based on DuCros.

Four pages of numbered botanical observations by Smith on Davall's parcel of plants received June 1793: 'Epilobium palustre' HL, 'Bromus arvensis' HL, 'Avena sativa' HL, 'Avena strigosa' Schreber, 'Avena fatua' HL, 'Avena fertilis' Allioni, '[Triticum] tenellum' HL, 'Minuartia campestris' HL, 'Cerinthe minor' HL, 'Ribes grossularia' HL, 'Chaerophyllum bulbosum' HL, 'Silene bellidifolia', 'Arenaria tetrequetra' HL, 'Myagrum rugosum', '[Thlaspi] perfoliatum' HL, 'Alyssum utriculatum' HL, 'Arabis pumila' Jacq, two species of 'Turritis' like 'Turritis hirsuta', 'Myagrum hispanicum', 'Geranium palustre' HL, '[Chrysanthemum] indicum', 'Chara flexilis', '[Carex] limosa' HL, 'Salix incubacea', '[Salix] purpurea', 'Salix repens' HL, 'Salix fusca' Flo Lapp, 'Valantia aparine' HL, 'Galium spurium' HL, '[Polypodium] alpinum a 'Cyathea', 'Phascum piliferum', 'Hieracium', 'Hieracium cymosum', 'Crepis leontodontoides'. One page of numbered remarks on lichens from Davall by Smith: 'Lichen albo-flavescens' Wulf., 'L. ulmi' Swartz, 'L. marmorens', 'L. exanthematicus', 'L. tumidulus', 'L. miniatus', 'L. fulgens' Swartz, 'L. saxifragus', 'L. spaeria' possibly 'L. reciptus' [HL probably Herbarium Linnaeus].

The Linnean Society of London