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Thomas Butt
Sir James Edward Smith
28 Jun 1813
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/115, The Linnean Society of London

As "English Botany" is almost finished asks Smith to reconsider the genus 'Circaea', encloses a specimen from a Yorkshire plant and a 'Circaea alpina'. Through comparison with Linnaeus, [Carl Ludwig] Willdenow, and [William] Withering, believes 'Circaea alpina', 'Circaea intermedia' and 'Circaea lutetiana' are all distinct. Contests the validity of separate genera for 'Potentilla' and 'Tormentilla' when 'Potentilla reptans' and 'Tormentilla reptans' have the same flower. Thinks that 'Geranium lancastriense' and 'Geranium sanguineum' are distinct, his observations. Would like to be introduced to [George] Don's successor. List of rare British plants, hopes for assistance from Smith's friends in acquisition, [some of the names are marked by circles with dots in the middle].

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Martyn
Sir James Edward Smith
20 Jun 1813
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/7/10, The Linnean Society of London

Smith's candidature for Botany Professorship at Cambridge University. Informed by vice-chancellor [William Chafy (1779-1843) vice-chancellor 1813 & 1829] that the trustees of the Botanic Garden have declined election of a Reader in Botany, however they would like another curator. Asks to be informed when Smith intends to canvas the university so as to be able to write to the heads of the colleges who would support Smith.

The Linnean Society of London
William Webb
Sir James Edward Smith
16 Jun 1813
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/7/25, The Linnean Society of London

Smith's candidature for Botany Professorship at Cambridge University. [Thomas] Martyn's offer to resign the Walkerian lectureship discussed at the meeting to appoint a new Cambridge Botanic Garden curator following [James] Donn's death [(1758-1813)], however the trustees decided not to make an appointment until the professorship becomes vacant. Reports great prejudice against Smith, especially from Sir Isaac Pennington [(1745-1817) physician and chemist]. Recommends Smith apply directly to the Crown for the Regius Professorship in order to obtain the greatest future claim.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Martyn
Sir James Edward Smith
11 Jun 1813
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/7/8, The Linnean Society of London

Smith's candidature for Botany Professorship at Cambridge University. Confirms that Smith is correct in thinking that the [Walkerian] Lecturer need not be a member of the University, and can be a foreign or a stranger, but warns of "powerful opposition". Has written to the five trustees of the Botanic Garden in support of Smith and offers to write to the masters of Pembroke and Clare Hall Colleges when Smith decides to canvas. Shall be directed by Sir Joseph Banks in his private negotiations with Smith.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Martyn
Sir James Edward Smith
16 Jun 1813
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/7/9, The Linnean Society of London

Smith's candidature for Botany Professorship at Cambridge University. Relates Smith's progress, has support of vice-chancellor [William Chafy (1779-1843) vice-chancellor 1813 & 1829] but some trustees [of the Botanic Garden] may be hostile. Details of his salary, £200 per annum.

The Linnean Society of London
Olof Peter Swartz
Sir James Edward Smith
30 Jun 1813
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/9/100, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 17 and 26 April [1813], hopes Smith received the letter he forwarded from Professor Sprengel at Halle. News of [Erik] Acharius: pleased by his admittance to Linnean Society and is anxious to receive "Linnean Transactions" and his diploma; planning to send further specimens to add to the "the expedition"collection he previously sent; hopes Smith will wait for publication of his "Synopsis methodica Lichenum" before Smith finishes that part of ["English Botany"]. Swedish Academy [of Sciences] agrees to a "transactions" exchange with the Linnean Society. Pleased that the 6 volumes of "Svensk Botany" have arrived. Relieved to to hear of Sir Joseph Banks' recovery as he had previously been told he was already dead. Asks to be remembered to [Robert] Brown, [Dawson] Turner, and [William Jackson] Hooker.

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
23 Jun 1813
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/81, The Linnean Society of London

Just received news of the death of [James] Donn [(1758-1813), curator of Cambridge Botanic Garden] of Cambridge, the last of his personal acquaintance he acquired whilst in London.

Numbered observations on enclosed specimens: 1. a 'Marchantia', possibly 'M. androgyne'; 2. a 'Trifolium' from dry banks by the sea; 3. a 'Hieracium'; 4. a 'Hieracium'; 5. a 'Hieracium'; 6. 'Myagrum lanceolatum'; 7. a 'Rosa', differs from 'R. spinosissima'; 8. an 'Equisetum', proposes name 'E. alpinum'.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Martyn
Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
2 Jun 1813
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/22, The Linnean Society of London

Discusses Smith's candidature for Cambridge botany professorship: Sir Joseph [Banks'] illness was a great loss; thinks it curious that the dissenting Smith should be supported by two Bishops [presumably Bishops of Carlisle, Samuel Goodenough, and Ely, Bowyer Sparke (1759-1836); the Bishop of Winchester, Brownlow North, also pledged his support for Smith in August 1813], but concedes "Botany is of no sect"; hopes Smith will be his successor but supposes he would have to conform to the Establishment. Responded immediately to Smith's report of the canvassing but too much of a philsopher to care what happens at Cambridge. Recovered after a confinement of three months caused by typhus.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
26 Jun 1813
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/23, The Linnean Society of London

Expects his campaign for Cambridge botany professorship to be successful. Received encouraging letter from [Thomas] Martyn [incumbent professor of botany] explaining the three-part composition of his botanical professorship: the university professorship, elected by Senate; the Regius professorship, given by the King; and the garden and lectureship founded by Dr [Richard] Walker [(1679-1764)]. Martyn has proposed to resign the garden lectureship in favour of Smith to allow him to gain an interest for when the others become vacant. Discusses his plans to canvas for the garden and lectureship and expects his rivals, Brook, [George] Leathes [(1779-1836)], and [Richard] Relhan to withdraw. Received assistance from Cullum's friend [William] Webb. Intends to go to London, Cambridge, and then home. Gathered 'Monotropa' in woods near to this place.

The Linnean Society of London