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Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
Sir James Edward Smith
11 Mar 1796
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/10, The Linnean Society of London

Congratulates Smith on his marriage.

This letter has also signed by Cullum's wife, Mary [née Hanson (1745-1830)].

The Linnean Society of London
Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
Sir James Edward Smith
25 Jun 1799
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/11, The Linnean Society of London

Requests letters of introduction and recommendations of interesting places his eldest son's solo excursion to Scotland. Has heard [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert is suffering from a bladder complaint. His legs are better since last time Smith saw him and shortly intends a trip into Yorkshire as far as Wakefield, and will include a visit to [Richard] Salisbury.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
Sir James Edward Smith
8 Sep 1799
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/12, The Linnean Society of London

Recently returned home from Yorkshire but his prevented him from making any botanical excursions. Saw [Richard] Salisbury at Fetherstone, near Pomfret [Pontefract], he intends to move to London within two years. Found 'Lythrum hyssopifolium' at Alconbury Hill and a 'Mentha' which he encloses for Smith's revision of that genus, thinks it closest to [William] Sole's 'Mentha pratensis' but without the strong smell of peppermint. Invites Smiths to visit them for the Bury Fair, saw Smith's brother at Wakefield.

Postscript note: "'Thlaspi campestre' an 'Thlaspi' vaccariae folio glabrum Raii [John Ray]".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
Sir James Edward Smith
25 Oct 1799
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/13, The Linnean Society of London

Received visit from [Thomas] Marsham who says the 'Mentha' he sent Smith is 'Mentha sativa'; asks how figure in "English Botany" 448 resembles no.21 in [William] Sole's book ["Menthae Britannicae"]. Does not think Sole is a very skilled botanist, pointing out that Sole considers Dr [John] Hill [(c 1716-1775)] one of the first botanists. Hopes Smith received the parcel of Scottish plants sent by his son from Mr Bruce.

Hears "Flora Britannica" progresses well, recommends providing a reference for plants also appearing in "English Botany". Revd [Henry John] Wollaston has seen 'Senecio paludosus' growing abundantly in ditches near Brayford Water near Lincoln and at Nocton Fen on banks of River Witham leading to Boston, [Lincolnshire], proposes him as a FLS. Lately received letter from [Samuel] Goodenough. Dr [George] Shaw's 'Bradypus ursinus' was exhibited during the Bury Fair; agrees with [Thomas] Bewick's "Quadrupeds" that it is of the genus 'Ursus' and the animal in Bury is male whereas that shown in [Holborn] was a female, makes brief observations, in Latin.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
31 Oct 1799
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/14, The Linnean Society of London

Has so much work at the moment that he is glad to write as few letters as possible. Received the parcel of Scottish plants sent via Cullum's son though its contents not very important. The 'Mentha' Cullum sent is a small variety of the 'Mentha sativa' figured in "English Botany", agrees with Cullum's opinion [of the inferior botanical merits of William Sole]. Cannot adopt Cullum's proposal to reference "English Botany" plants in "Flora Britannica" as it already printing, objects to anticipating references, and intends to publish a pocket "Epitome" on an original plan of his own. Thanks for [Henry John] Wollaston's habitats for 'Senecio paludosus'. Does not agree with Cullum about 'Bradypus ursinus'. Beginning "Flora Graeca" next year. [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert recovered slightly.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
Sir James Edward Smith
29 Dec 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/2, The Linnean Society of London

Recently suffered recurrence of his old complaint affecting his teeth. Sorry Smith did not call on him in Bury on his way to Norfolk. Spent two days in Bungay, [Suffolk], with [Thomas] Woodward: weather bad but saw living species of 'Orobanche ramosa' growing with 'Cannabis sativa' at Meltingham, offers specimen; collected specimen of 'Pyrola rotundifolia' on Bradley Common near Gorleston, growing with 'Salix caprea', 'Sphagnum palustre', 'Hydrocotyle vulgaris', and 'Valeriana dioica'; could not find 'Gentiana pneumonanthe' from his late brother's [Sir John Cullum, 6th baronet (1733-1785)] habitat near Lowestoft church due to drainage of the wet common and enclosures.

Recommends [James] Sowerby do new drawings for Smith's new edition of "Flora Lapponica", and that the frontispiece be an engraving of Sir Joseph Banks' portrait of Linnaeus; hopes that the frontispiece of the new proposed edition of "Historis muscorum" will be an engraving of Dillenius from the Oxford portrait. Requests Smith's assistance in finding London lodgings. Publications: asks Smith's opinion of last fasciculus of "Flora Danica"; sent a poor tenth volume of the "Amunitates" by White [publisher]; wishes for someone to go on with a "Flora Londinensis" or "Flora Anglica" and to see the two new volumes of [John] Latham's "Description of birds".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
Sir James Edward Smith
22 Aug 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/3, The Linnean Society of London

Reviewed first volume of "Linnean Transactions" with [Thomas] Woodward, their opinions: Woodward thought it very thin but Cullum would be happy to see annual production of similar sized volume; [Espirit] Giorna's paper on insect wings should have been translated; [Adam] Afzelius' paper on 'Trifolium' "tedious"; wonders what the Society in Warwick Street [Society for the Promotion of Natural History ?] think of it.

'Colchium autumnale' now in flower, transcribes Latin observations on it made by a near relation of his in 1773. Suggests travel arrangements for Smith to reach his house in Suffolk, hopes Smith will return the many visits he paid Smith in Marlborough Street. Publications: asks after Hoffmann's "botanical pocket book" he has seen advertised; when "Flora Lapponica" is to be published; and if there is any thought of a new "Species plantarum". Asks Smith to pay his bill to [James] Sowerby for him.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
Sir James Edward Smith
25 Jul 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/4, The Linnean Society of London

Hopes Smith is in the country for his health and not London. Briefly saw [Richard] Salisbury and his "elegant conservatories" and "valuable library"at Chapel Allerton but made few botanical acquisitions. Requests "Linnean Transactions" to be forwarded when published and White to send him third volume of Gmelin's "Systema [naturae]".

Smith to tell [James] Sowerby that the cornfields with 'Veronica verna' are fallow this year. Found 'Pyrola minor' in abundance and less commonly 'Cicuta virosa' and 'Caucalis daucoides'. All of [Jonathan] Stokes' [(c 1755-1831), botanist] and [Thomas] Woodward's botanical work destroyed in the attack on [William] Withering's house in the Birmingham riots [the Priestly Riots of 14 to 17 July 1791 targetted religious dissenters]; expects to shortly hear from Woodward of the preservation of the valuable "Repository", comparable to Smith's and Sir Joseph Banks'.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
Sir James Edward Smith
19 Feb 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/5, The Linnean Society of London

Illness of his brother-in-law, Mr Palmer, has delayed his coming to London till Easter and Linnean Society anniversary meeting. Remarks on various phenomena of the early spring: recently saw 'Papilio phamni' flying, 'Scarabaeus luisquilius' in hundreds, and "those nimble animals the 'Carabi'"; an apricot tree in flower in a Cambridge college garden as reported in Cambridge paper, observed in his brother's [Sir John Cullum, 6th baronet (1733-1785)] journal that the apricot tree at Hardwick, [Suffolk], flowered on 20 February 1779 and 27 February 1775 but did not flower till March or April in following years; observed 'Veronica hederacea' and 'Veronica agrestis' in flower and considering looking for 'Veronica verna' and 'Veronica triphyllos'.

Praises number fifteen of "English Botany"; 'Papaver hybridum' and 'Anchusa sempervirens' commonly grows near them does not doubt 'Verbascum blattaria' is native having seen it in similar conditions and in barren places in Cornwall. Requests of White copies of Smith's new "Flora Lapponica", Thunberg's "Characteres genenum insectorum", and [Pehver's] "Weekly Memorials for the Ingenious". Asks of Mr Poulter, [William] Hudson, and Sir George Staunton's safe return.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
Sir James Edward Smith
28 Oct 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/6, The Linnean Society of London

Fears that [William] Hudson is dying after suffering a second paralytic stroke and losing the use of a leg. Spent five weeks of summer in Bath, [Somerset], followed by Weymouth, [Dorset], where he regularly saw the King and Queen [George III and Charlotte], though the weather was changeable. Asks whether 'Trifolium stellatum' and 'Trifolium maritimum' are the two distinct species of 'Trifolium', as he found [John] Ray's teasel-headed 'Trifolium' (Syn:p 329 n8) near Bristol, some think it distinct from 'Trifolium stellatum'. Could not find 'Vicia hybrida' at Weymouth; '[Vicia] lutea' common on the seashore and 'Vicia bythynica' in a hilly pasture with 'Ulex' and on Portland Island, compares the pods with 'Vicia lutea'. Recommends [William Lloyd] Baker and Thomas Ruggles as FLS. Intended to send [James] Sowerby Suffolk plants but weather too cold to botanise. 'Thesium linophyllum' and 'Cucubalus otites' still in flower. Coming to London at end of January.

New publications: Thunberg's "Flora Japonica"; Gaertner's "de Seminibus Plantarum"; Gmelin's "Systema Vegetabila" from 'Monandria' to 'Polyandria', including the genus 'Culhamia' and notes that an old way to spell Cullum was Culham; has heard there is a new edition of a "Species Plantarum"; saw Olivier's "Insecta Coleoptera"; with so many natural history books laments absence of a "Flora or Fauna Anglica". Further plants seen: field of nine inch high 'Orchis ustulata' at Bath; 'Trifolium maritimum' in low meadow near St Vincent's Rock, Bristol; 'Vicia lutea' at Weymouth; and 'Vicia bythinica'.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
Sir James Edward Smith
27 Apr 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/7, The Linnean Society of London

Outbid for a house at an auction but purchased three acres of good pasture ground for £430. Returns [Jonas] Dryander's observations and also for Dryander a few pages of his "Flora Anglicae" pamphlet and enclosed Smith the title page. 'Holosteum umbellatum' is in full flower and seed, his pot of 'Arabis stricta' no longer flowering and now resembles an '[Arabis] turritis'.

Encloses duplicate pages to correct printer errors in the large paper copies [of his pamphlet?]. Also encloses specimens of 'Holosteum umbellatum' for [William] Hudson.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
29 May 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/8, The Linnean Society of London

Forwarded the plants, books, and pamphlet enclosed with Cullum's last letter to [Jonas] Dryander and [William] Hudson, who died shortly afterwards. Hopes Cullum will send a copy of his pamphlet ["Florae Anglicae"] for Linnean Society. Hopes Cullum approves of tribute made to Hudson's memory under 'Melampyrum pratense' in "English Botany" for June. Glad Cullum agrees about 'Arabis stricta' being a 'turritis'. Will hasten to begin a "Flora Britannica" this summer. Great quantities of French china selling every day.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
Sir James Edward Smith
5 Feb 1796
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/9, The Linnean Society of London

Asks after Smith's recent movements and activities, including "Flora Britannica". A mild winter allowed him to gather flowering 'Vinca minor' three miles from Bury. Sends his respects to Dr [George] Shaw and [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert. Asks if Smith has heard from [Richard] Relhan, whose affairs are "deranged" in spite of a £700 subscription. Asks if new editions of [William] Withering's "Botanical Arrangement" and "Hortus Kewensis" are to appear. Will pay his lapsed Linnean Society subscription before next anniversary meeting. Asks for a copy of Sir George Staunton's "Embassy to China" to be reserved for him at White's; missed the first edition of [James] Cook's last voyage through failing to do this. A spare room always available at his house for friends.

Addition at head of recto of first folio states he fears a letter to [James] Sowerby requesting all previous numbers of his "Cryptogamia" has been lost.

The Linnean Society of London