Search: Darwin, C. R. in correspondent 
Pictet de la Rive, F. J. in correspondent 
1860-1869::1860::02 in date 
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Darwin, C. R. in author 
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Charles Robert Darwin
François Jules Pictet de la Rive
23 Feb [1860]
Source of text:
Bibliothèque de Genève (MS. fr. 1651, ff. 8–9)

Is extremely pleased by what FJP says of his book [Origin]. Recalls how slowly he changed his own opinion; does not think anyone "could at once undergo so great a revolution in opinion". Thanks FJP for his intended notice of the work [Bibl. Univers. Arch. Sci. Phys. & Nat. 7 (1860)].

Recommends an "excellent Review by that admirable Botanist Asa Gray" [Am. J. Sci. 2d ser. 29 (1860): 153–84].

L. Agassiz is very bitter against CD’s book but H. G. Bronn, although very much opposed, "with noble liberality of sentiment" is going to superintend a German translation.

As FJP’s studies lead him to reflect on "Geological Succession, Geographical Distribution, Classification, Homology & Embryology", CD expects that he will go a little further with him because "these facts … are inexplicable on the theory of creation".

Darwin Correspondence Project