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Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
6 Jul 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/37, The Linnean Society of London

Numbered observations on parcel of plants sent by Davall via Mr Mandrot in May, received June 1791: 'Turritis hirsuta' HL, 'Plantago', 'Cerinthe major', 'Cerinthe perennis' Davall, 'Thesium alpinum' HL, 'Bupleurum angulosum' HL, 'Laserpitium silaifolium', 'Dianthus', 'Arenaria liniflora', 'Potentilla caulescens' HL, 'Anemone fragifera' Jacquin, 'Ranunculus thora', 'Ranunculus pamassifolius' HL, 'Ranunculus alpestris', 'Ajuga genevensis', 'Ajuga alpina', 'Pedicularis sylvatica' HL, 'Antirrhinum arvense' HL, 'Hypericum tetragynum', 'Geranium pusillum', Geranium rotundifolium', 'Geranium molle', 'Crepis tectorum' HL, 'Ophrys cordata', 'Satyrium repens', 'Carex pauciflora' Lightfoot, 'Clutia pulchella', 'Chrysocoma coma-aurea' HL, 'Bidens pilosa', 'Coreopris leucantha' HL, 'Gentiana', 'Asplenium trichomanes', 'fastigiatus', '[Lichen] tiliaceus' Hoffmann and Smith, '[Lichen] saxatilis', '[Lichen] centrifugus', '[Lichen] aeruginosus', '[Lichen] fagineus', '[Lichen] subfucus' HL, '[Lichen] horizontalis', '[Lichen] chrysoleucus' Smith, and '[Lichen] encaustus' Smith.

Compliments them both on their ability to search for plants. Comments on box of lichens sent by Davall. Pleased to hear account of Davall's happy family life. [Edward] Forster disappointed that Davall has not written. "Flora Lapponica" has gone to press with fifty-five new species added to the flora. Hopes Davall will entrust [Jacob] Wyttenbach with correction of the Latin for his work. After consultation with [William] Hudson and [James] Dickson gives numbered remarks on box of lichens. Can only send Davall a few plants in return, including 'Arenaria saxatilis', but Davall should request [Dominique] Villars' 'A. saxatilis' for the true 'A. laricifolia'. Sends present of "two tinkling balls [...] of the very newest mode" for Davall's baby daughter. 'Nymphaea nelumbo' in flower at Bulstrode, [Buckinghamshire, home of Duke of Portland] for the first time in Europe, it is a new genus to be called 'Portlandia' and the old renamed 'Catesbaea'.

The Linnean Society of London
Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
22 Jul 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/38, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's "Spicilegium botanicum", 'Arenaria saxatilis' and '[Acrosticum marantae]'. Describes death of his infant daughter and his grief; he and his wife are to holiday in Switzerland. Leaf of plant number 53 of his parcel by Mandrot 1790 belongs to 'Sium latifolium', quotes [Johannes] Loesel [(1607-1655)]. Will send seed of 'Cerinthe perennis', which he previously sent as 'Cerinthe intermedia', hopes it could be figured in "Spicilegium botanicum". Hopes to send parcel of plants via Flaction before departing.

The Linnean Society of London