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Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
3 Feb 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/46, The Linnean Society of London

Fears for Smith's safety following reports of fire at the Pantheon [place of public entertainment on south side of Oxford Street, London]. Responds to Smith's letter [of 30 December 1791]: sorry to hear of Smith's brother's inactivity; will send a list of desiderata in due course, but anything not Swiss welcome and especially 'Smithia sensitivia'. Intends for his herbarium plan Swiss plants and English and European plants in near affinity. Thanks for Smith's figures of 'Agrostis capillaris' and 'Saponaria lutea'; shall send Smith a list of grasses desired, already has 'Cornucopiae cucullatum'.

Responds to Smith's letter of 6 July 1791: extensive comments on 'Arenaria liniflora'; is Smith happy with his drying and nature of specimens; number 10 of his 1791 parcel by Mandrot 'Anemone fragifera' or '[Anemone] baldensis'; will send good wild specimen of 'Ranunculus thora', comments on Haller's figure, does not agree with what Smith says of [Jean Johannes] Bauhin [(1541-1613)] and notes errors in printing of Bauhin and other 'Ranunculus' species.

Asks if Smith has seen "that complicated, fabricated, forged, mechanic mass", the vegetable part of [Johann Friedrich] Gmelin's [(1748-1804)] "Systema Naturae". Received visit from Professor [Johann] Hermann of Strasburg last summer.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
21 Feb 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/47, The Linnean Society of London

His street was not affected by the fire at the Pantheon, although [Robert] Batty's shop was destroyed and he and his family took refuge with Smith.

Responds to Davall's letters of 31 January and 3 February 1792: promises to visit Davall soon but wants to publish his "Sketch of a Tour on the Continent" and "Systema vegetabilum" first; François [Borone] to be [Adam] Afzelius' assistant in Sierra Leone, commissioned by the new Company to collect plants for at least a year, advantageous situation for Borone, and Smith will receive a share of the plants, roots, and seeds collected; when François returns Smith intends to tour to Genoa to visit Davall and Mount Cenis again; impatient to hear from [Dominique] Villars; applauds Davall's comments on naming of plants after botanists, shall give Davall's name to 'Trichomanes canariense' but requests a paper from him for second volume of "Linnean Transactions"; has no duplicate of 'Smithia sensitivia', it flowered and seeded at Turin in 1790; admires Davall's manner of drying plants.

[Carl Peter] Thunberg compared specimen of his [Smith's] 'Festuca' with [Joachim] Burser's [(1583-1639)] original specimen at Upsala, so there is now no doubt, but [Martin] Vahl [(1749-1804)] has published discovery as his own in second volume of "Symbolae botanicae" but made mistake of saying he learned what 'Anthoxanthum paniculatum' was from the Linnaean herbarium.

Has been introduced to the Royal Family as this summer he is to arrange the Queen's herbarium, previously [John] Lightfoot's, give the Queen and princesses a course of botany; comments on the Queen's behaviour and dignity. Has not taken any salary for the job for the sake of dignity and future influence and interest.

Prescribes a tablespoon of melted butter with the salt skimmed off before bed for Davall's costiveness; excellent for bowel complaints but "neglected for nasty drugs & irritating oils". Eager to see vegetable part of [Johann Friedrich] Gmelin's [(1748-1804)] "Systema naturae". Glad Davall found [Johann] Hermann agreeable, "an excell[ent] & pleasant man". Pleased Davall likes his figure of 'Festuca spadicea'. Waiting for lichens before sending parcel of plants, will also send second edition of "Flora Lapponica".

The Linnean Society of London