Search: Davall, Edmund in correspondent 
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Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
12 Oct 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/52, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Smith's works, "Spicililegium botanicum" and "Icones pictae". His health is still weak and digestion disordered. Explains that through his "ardent love of Botany" he has declined every opportunity conducive to his fortune and reduced his patrimony in forming his botanical library to the bare minimum and his study, friendship with Smith, and relationship with wife "are the three great & only objects" which make him value his existence.

Concerns over war [threatened invasion of Switzerland by the French]: the Genevans have called on their allies and 1500 of Berne and 640 of Zurich have entered Geneva, which was proteseted against by the French resident before issuing a direct declaration of war, and French artillery now expected to commence firing on Geneva. The Swiss are marching on every frontier shared with France and if not for his wife would happily take up a musket in defence of his collections. Believes only reason to fear French is their immense numbers and the common people are strong and the German Swiss "are perfectly well armed, their artillery of the best sort" and 30-40,000 men are stirring. A young man who escaped from the massacre of the Swiss Guards at Paris was with him yesterday.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
26 Oct 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/53, The Linnean Society of London

Shortly leaving for Windsor to give the Queen and princesses five or six week course of lectures on zoology and botany, not going into detail "on the various structure of vesiculae seminales, nor on the "vulva hiaus" of the Viola (see "Flo[ra] Lapponica")". Compliments the Queen and princesses Augusta and Elizabeth. No payment has been mentioned as he initially only undertook to organise [John] Lightfoot's herbarium and the lectures have been proposed since. They think him "a wondrous learned philosopher" and cynically comments on getting a share of the "plunder" of the Church and King, though to do so would have to pray that "light & liberty may never make any progress in the world"; he prays most "fervently" for "virtuous" liberty and "not the sight of cutting off any body's head at pleasure". The "Magnificent Lords" of Geneva "cut a ridiculous figure" and are "quite a joke with the French", presumes the Berne aristocracy are anxious [threatened invasion of Switzerland by French] and will not write to Turin as they too must be anxious and not thinking of botany.

Delessert going over his [Smith's] herbarium. Progressing well with his "Sketch of a Tour on the Continent". Responds to Davall's letter of 12 October: nothing to fear from the French and blames the Genevans who "had no business to put on a warlike appearance" and that it is only their own tyrants that make the Swiss fight the French; detests the Geneva and Berne governments. As the French behaved well in Savoy and Nice thinks they will not come for plunder, and as Davall is English he should not be hurt.

The Linnean Society of London