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George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
25 May 1803
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/58, The Linnean Society of London

Numbered observations on enclosed cryptogam specimens, several of which he thinks are common: 1. 'Polytrichum' [Smith annotation: "var[iet]y of 'commune'"]; 2. 'Polytrichum' [Smith annotation: "'gracile'"]; 3. 'Polytrichum' [Smith annotation: "very near 'commune', I should think it that but for the nodding capsules"]; 4. 'Polytrichum' [Smith annotation: "new - original 'strictum' of Banks"]; 5. 'Polytrichum hercynicum' [Smith annotation: "good"]; 6. 'Splachnum' resembling [James] Dickson's 'tenue' [Smith annotation: "true"] ; 7. 'Phascum' [specimen extant] [Smith annotation: "'patens'?"]; 8. 'Splachnum rogosum', previously sent to Dickson 9 and 4 years ago.

Numbered observations on enclosed plant specimens: 1. a new 'Elymus', proposes name 'E. alpinus' [Smith annotation: "surely only 'Triticum caninum' [...] Tis no 'Elymus', returned the specimen"]; 2. an 'Anthemis' which he calls 'A. hybrida'.

One specimen, labelled, "no.7 'Phascum patens'?"

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
25 May 1803
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/59, The Linnean Society of London

Has sent some specimens for Smith's opinion, as well as the 'Orthotrichum piliferum', 'Saxifraga', and 'Potentilla' specimens he sent some time ago; would have sent the others before now but the death of his son, James Brodie Don, on 27 April "embarrassed" his feelings for some time.

As previously discussed he intends to publish a "Hortus Siccus", but after [James] Brodie pointed out the opposition he would likely face from [James] Dickson, has decided to only publish in Scotland; intends to publish 4 times a year containing 25 specimens, asks Smith to provide names of any interested parties.

The Linnean Society of London