Search: Frankland, Thomas in correspondent 
Smith, James Edward in correspondent 
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Sir Thomas Frankland
Sir James Edward Smith
7 Oct 1813
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/15/48, The Linnean Society of London

[Richard Griffin, 2nd Baron] Braybrooke's [(1750-1825)] second son, George Neville, convinced to return to his intended path of the Church and ultimately head of Magdalen College, Oxford, after being offered Sir Stephen Glynne's [8th baronet, (1780-1815)] vacant living at Flawarden, Flintshire, £3-4,000 per annum.

Amused with a 'Ranunculus' being taken for Fiorin grass; does not trust Dr Richardson's account of 'Agrostis stolonifera' which he has always taken as indicator of barren soil, Dary's report of this grass in his Lectures does not give a better opinion. Received seed of Guinea grass from [James] Brodie; grew under glass but did not flower.

Discusses apples: Siberian crab a most beautiful variety, delicious made into tarts; of his Herefordshire patent apples of golden pippins and Ribston pippins only two Grange are forthcoming; and a Ribston is in good health a year after being treated for canker with turpentine. Figs in pots not worth their room in vinery and following Mr Knight's experience will try mulberries.

Saw willow bonnets in York whiter and finer than the straw ones. Encloses specimen of willow sent by Mr Nicholas from Wiltshire. Just read of death of Dr [William] Gretton [(1736-1813), master of Magdalen College], the mastership will probably be held for George Neville. Summarises letter from [Alexander Gordon, 4th] Duke of Gordon [(1743-1827)] stating he shot a one horned, one testicled stag, and as deer castrated with or without their horns either never shed them or never produce them this deer must have been wounded in velvet for the defficient horn was a small hump, illustrated with small ink sketch. Davy has been shooting and fishing at Gordon Castle and he is to go "vulcano hunting" in Europe, Berthollet has insured his favourable reception in France.

A fruit basket brought from Vicenza, [Italy], by Mr Dawnay has frustrated several local basket makers, but he and his son managed to succeed in replicating it. Expects his son [on tour of Ireland] to arrive at Holyhead, [Anglesey] soon, he has been away for 8 weeks.

The Linnean Society of London