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Francis Hamilton
Sir James Edward Smith
15 Nov 1797
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/123, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 1 February; congratulates him on his marriage and for giving up the "drudgery of medical practice" to devote himself to the "study of sciences". Urges Smith to undertake the production of a new "Genera and Species Plantarum" for the honour of Britain, as [Joseph Pitton de] Tournefort and Linnaeus did for France and Sweden.

Since his return from Burma has been botanising at Luckipore, India, on the east side of the Meghna River, and sending findings to [William] Roxburgh, arranging geographical papers, written a treatise on the religion of the Burmas, and is comfortable except for want of books and a wife. Concerned that the papers he sent for possible inclusion in "Linnean Transactions" have not been received, and that Smith is ignorant of the "Enumeration of Burma" plants, specimens and drawings that were probably offered to Sir Joseph Banks. If Banks is not interested in them he is confident that [William Fullerton] Elphinstone, director [of the East India Company], will assist Smith in procuring them for himself.

Makes some observations on his "Enumeratio", mostly corrections and clarifications in the naming of plants and new genera, with reference to Roxburgh and [Jonas] Dryander: his 'Asclepias tinctoria' is in fact 'Asclepias tingens'; his 'Sium ninsi' is '[Sium] sisarum' as stated by Dryander in "Linnean Transactions"; a new genus of 'Laurus' which Roxburgh names 'Buchania', believes the plant he sent which Smith named for him is a 'Valisneria'; does not agree that 'Oxalis corniculata' is two species as discussed in "Linnean Transactions"; his 'Rhizophora conjugata' Roxburgh has since named '[Rhizophora] decandra'; his 'Hibiscus strigosus' may just be variety of '[Hibiscus] cannabinus'; his 'Epidendrums' are all 'Limodorums'; believes his 'Bryonia saggitata' is the same as Roxburgh's '[Bryonia] umbellata'; his 'Pandanus pecten' is Roxburgh's '[Pandanus] foetidus'; and his 'Cissampelos pata' is Roxburgh's '[Cissampelos] hexandra'.

Does not collect insects but has sent a parcel of dried plants, will supply descriptions if desired. Dampness and insects currently make it impossible for him to preserve plants and form a collection. Notes on the plants he has sent to Smith: 'Gardenia bisperma' could differ from plant "barbarously" named by Roxburgh; he thought 'Asclepias reticulata' might be the 'Apocynum reticulatum' but now sure it is new to Linnaeus; his 'Polygonum sagittatum' may be the new species '[Polygonum] horridum'; 'Kirpa', a fine timber tree, is 'Decandria monogynia'; believes Roxburgh's 'Athulia aquatica' is a new genus; the 'Painlot' of the natives may be a 'Tannonia' although he has called it a 'Bryonia', has not found the female plant; the plant he called 'Urtica' may not belong to that genus, having only seen the female flowers; and the plant with six stamens inserted into a globular nectarium of which he formerly sent a drawing is 'Amur'. Literary pursuits frustrated by a lack of books.

The Linnean Society of London