Please clarify differences between French metric system and JH's adaptation of British system of measurements. Willing to raise issue in Parliament, but wants to understand it well. Hopes to see Emma soon.
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Please clarify differences between French metric system and JH's adaptation of British system of measurements. Willing to raise issue in Parliament, but wants to understand it well. Hopes to see Emma soon.
Problem of Irish church has forced postponement of Parliamentary discussion of metric bill until 13 May.
Thanks for JH's notes on metric system. Will study these before Parliamentary debate on 13 May. Calculates that 63 percent of exports go to British possessions, while only 18 percent go to Continent. Sees this as argument against introducing metric system.
Why did French chose arc from Dunkirk to Barcelona as basis for metric measurements? Explain meridian lines. Why are linear metric measurements founded on arc, rather than on straight line? Criticizes William Ewart for introducing metric bill.