Search: Hooker, J. D. in correspondent 
Hooker, Mary and Elizabeth in correspondent 
1840-1849::1843 in date 
Joseph Dalton Hooker in collection 
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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Mary and Elizabeth Hooker
20 June 1843
Source of text:
JDH/1/2 f.221, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH reports to his sisters, Maria & Elizabeth 'Bessy', his arrival in Rio de Janeiro after a stop at Ascension Island. He writes of the correspondence he has recently sent & received. He explains that Captain [James Clark] Ross has not received despatches from the Admiral so their movements are uncertain. They will probably make some observations in Rio before returning home. They also need to make repairs to the ship, HMS 'Erebus'. JDH wrote to their father, Sir William Jackson Hooker, per the HMS 'Waterwitch' from St Helena & send him a parquet[sic] [parakeet?] on the ship 'Queen'. JDH was particularly glad to hear from his sisters that all their family are well. JDH writes about his sisters' trip to Hampshire, mentioning Bury Hill & Gilbert White's NATURAL HISTORY OF SELBOURNE. JDH sends his regards to Mrs Gray of the British Museum & communicates that her nephew, his messmate, Lieutenant Smith is well. JDH describes Rio de Janeiro harbour, town & scenery mentioning the Organ Mountains. He particularly mentions the abundance of churches & convents, & cheap fruit: oranges, bananas & pineapples. He notes how different Rio is to all the cooler colonies previously visited during the expedition. He also mentions the young Emperor of Brazil, newly married to the daughter of the King of Naples. JDH complains about the drums & pipes on a nearby American ship, which plays Yankee Doodle every night, drowning out the more skilled band on the Brazilian flagship. JDH was glad to hear that his sisters have seen Baxter & he got home safely.

Hooker Project