Search: Hooker, J. D. in correspondent 
Ward, Nathaniel Bagshaw in correspondent 
1840-1849::1842::11::26 in date 
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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward
26 November 1842
Source of text:
JDH/1/2 f.138-139, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Since JDH last wrote to Nathaniel Ward the expedition has been to Cape Horn, where there are many Cryptogamic plants. Refers to some comments Ward made on the Niger Expedition & gives his own opinion of the undertaking, mentioning other 'disastrous' expeditions by Tuckey, Parks & Lander. He suggests that only men who are properly 'acclimatised' should be sent on expeditions. Recommends that Dr William Stanger settle in Van Diemen's Land [Tasmania] rather than New Zealand. Comments that the Niger expedition seems to have had plentiful provisions but does not credit Stanger's claims that the amount of Madeira, ale & claret he drank saved his life any more than he believes his own ship rations prevent scurvy. JDH complains about having to eat bread that was full of mould & maggots, it was sold to them at Hobart from the refuse of a convict ship. Writes about a month spent at Cape Horn where he collected Muscologia [Bryophytes], including Leptostormum Menziesii & Polytrichum dendroides in the mountains & woods; woods comprised beeches, Pernettia, Wintera, Escallonia & Berberis. Describes the reasons for the difference in vegetation between heavily wooded Fuegia [Tierra del Fuego] & the barren Falkland Islands, despite their having similar mean temperatures. He puts it down to soil, geology, topography, diurnal variations & hygrometric state of the atmosphere. JDH likens the situation & rich vegetation of Fuegia to New Zealand. Antarctic climates are of particular interest to JDH re. botanical geography as they have no parallel anywhere else. JDH regrets that Harvey's 'state' will prevent them meeting at the Cape [South Africa] & discussing Cryptogamia. JDH is sending Ward some mosses, strictly for his personal use only, Captain Ross does not like any of the expedition findings to be sent home through unofficial channels. Hopes Ward will soon have more time to spend on Cryptogamic botany, a neglected discipline. Sends his regards to Ward's son & to Mr Loddiges.

Hooker Project