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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward
26 November 1842
Source of text:
JDH/1/2 f.138-139, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Since JDH last wrote to Nathaniel Ward the expedition has been to Cape Horn, where there are many Cryptogamic plants. Refers to some comments Ward made on the Niger Expedition & gives his own opinion of the undertaking, mentioning other 'disastrous' expeditions by Tuckey, Parks & Lander. He suggests that only men who are properly 'acclimatised' should be sent on expeditions. Recommends that Dr William Stanger settle in Van Diemen's Land [Tasmania] rather than New Zealand. Comments that the Niger expedition seems to have had plentiful provisions but does not credit Stanger's claims that the amount of Madeira, ale & claret he drank saved his life any more than he believes his own ship rations prevent scurvy. JDH complains about having to eat bread that was full of mould & maggots, it was sold to them at Hobart from the refuse of a convict ship. Writes about a month spent at Cape Horn where he collected Muscologia [Bryophytes], including Leptostormum Menziesii & Polytrichum dendroides in the mountains & woods; woods comprised beeches, Pernettia, Wintera, Escallonia & Berberis. Describes the reasons for the difference in vegetation between heavily wooded Fuegia [Tierra del Fuego] & the barren Falkland Islands, despite their having similar mean temperatures. He puts it down to soil, geology, topography, diurnal variations & hygrometric state of the atmosphere. JDH likens the situation & rich vegetation of Fuegia to New Zealand. Antarctic climates are of particular interest to JDH re. botanical geography as they have no parallel anywhere else. JDH regrets that Harvey's 'state' will prevent them meeting at the Cape [South Africa] & discussing Cryptogamia. JDH is sending Ward some mosses, strictly for his personal use only, Captain Ross does not like any of the expedition findings to be sent home through unofficial channels. Hopes Ward will soon have more time to spend on Cryptogamic botany, a neglected discipline. Sends his regards to Ward's son & to Mr Loddiges.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
George Bentham
27 November 1842
Source of text:
JDH/1/2 f.140-141, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH thanks George Bentham for writing to him. The geography of plants is one of JDH's favourite subjects. JDH shares his observation that Leguminosae & Labiatae are completely un-represented in the flora of the Antarctic regions, which are far from barren. Scrophularinae by comparison are prominent. One such conspicuous genus in the Auckland Islands is Veronica, he describes the presence of a arborescent species, a sp. known as 'Sodjer Plant', & a blue flowered sp. he calls 'the most Antarctic'. In the Bay of Islands, New Zealand the Veronica are fruticose. V. decussata is common in Fuegia & Hermite Island & is the largest tree in the Falkland Islands, JDH describes its habit in each location. One of the only flowers JDH has seen in the Falklands is the indigenous Calceolaria fothergilli, also Gaudichaud's V. serpyllifolia. On Kerguelen Island there is a Limosellla which grows under ice & water similar to L. tenuifolia. Refers to Bentham moving to Herefordhsire, also his contribution to JOURNAL OF BOTANY. JDH recalls De Candolle asking why he was going to 'barren' Antarctica, JDH does not regret it but the plants he has collected have been hard won. His collections are strongest in Cryptogamia. Mentions the death of De Candolle senior & whether his son will continue his work. JDH praises Endlicher's work at Vienna & Lindley's ELEMENTS OF BOTANY, a more thoroughly illustrated manual would be useful to JDH who is slow at identifying plants. JDH would like to spend some time at home before botanizing in the tropics as Bentham suggests. Next the expedition cruises south again, then goes to the Cape of Good Hope & Rio de Janeiro. Speculates on what he will do once home; will work in his Father's herbarium & then travel again, maybe to the Society & Sandwich Islands [Hawaii] or the Himalayas. Mentions the Niger expedition, asks if Hind's plants from the New Hebrides [Vanuatu] are similar to Australian flora. Requests Bentham propose him for membership of the Athenaeum.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Mary Boott (nee Hardcastle)
28 November 1842
Source of text:
JDH/1/2 f.142-143, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH thanks Mrs Mary Boott & her husband Dr Francis Boott for their letters. He associates the Boott's with his youngest sister Mary [Mary Harriet Hooker] who has died from consumption. He is glad to hear that his parents are in good health, he mentions a previous illness of his Father; Sir William Jackson Hooker. JDH is glad that Dr Boott is 'restored'. He is always glad to hear news of what is happening in London, especially in the arts, he comments specifically on the Chinese Exhibition at Hyde Park Corner, a cockney 'Skaiting' shop & skating trips to Margate. He discusses the formation of 'taste' regarding fine art, especially in the colonies where there are fewer example of good pictures. Whilst at sea JDH misses music & paintings, all their 'boxes' [accordions] are broken & the only music is his own whistling. Captain [James Clark] Ross remembers young Frank [Boott] from the Linnean Society. JDH is glad his descriptions of Antarctica entertained Mrs Boott, he explains that most of the time they are surrounded by a 'dreary waste of ice' sometimes enlivened by sights such as the erupting volcano Mt Erebus, the first sighting of which he recounts. He writes that to be an Antarctic voyager is to feel helpless, entirely dependent on a ship which is just a speck in a vast ice-scape. Since last writing JDH has been to Hermite Island near Cape Horn & to one of the Fuegian islands where he has found the winters mild compared to his expectations from the accounts of Joseph Banks & Dr Solander. He describes the cloudy atmosphere & luxuriant vegetation comparing it to the desolate Falkland Islands. Describes sailing under the cliff of Cape Horn which was covered in Fuegian Beeches. Describes the dramatic hills of Fuegia.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Reverend James Hamilton
28 November 1842
Source of text:
JDH/1/2 f.144-146, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

No summary available.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Doctor Francis Boott
29 November 1842
Source of text:
JDH/1/2 f.147, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH thanks Francis Boott for writing to him, he was particularly glad to hear Boott's account of the health of his father, Sir William Jackson Hooker. JDH thinks that WJH's new position as Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew will be a positive change for his health, with increased time outside walking. JDH also thanks Boott for sending him a letter from Lady Smith, who JDH remembers meeting at his grandfather's years before. He will copy Smith's letter & return the original to Boott from the Cape of Good Hope. JDH is pleased that Boott is still studying Carices as the genus Carex is important in most Antarctic countries, he asks if Boott has made any observations on its geographical distribution. JDH gives some figures for the comparative occurrence of Cyperaceae to Gramineae in New Zealand, The Falkland Islands, Spitzbergen, Auckland Island, Kerguelen Islands, Campbell Island, & Australia & comments that the descending scale for the southern regions is in perfect accordance with what would be expected from their position & climate. But, this information is confidential as all botanical findings from the expedition are only meant to be communicated through the Lord Commissioners. At Hermite Island JDH found 1 possible Carex & an Uncinia. He was given a plant believed to be Tussac by the Governor [of the Falkland Islands, Richard Clement Moody] but it proved to be Carex trifida, which is eaten by cattle along with Tussac grass. JDH collected some new species in New Zealand & Van Diemen's Land [Tasmania]. He has not heard any botanical results from the American Antarctic Squadron but has high hopes from accounts of them at the Bay of Islands. JDH comments on the 'right of search question' & states that it should not effect botanical correspondence, in his opinion. JDH & Captain Ross send their regards to Boott & his family.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
5 December 1842
Source of text:
JDH/1/2 f.151-154, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

No summary available.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Lady Maria Hooker (nee Turner)
6 December 1842
Source of text:
JDH/1/2 f.155-161, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

No summary available.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
30 November 1842
Source of text:
JDH/1/2 f.162, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH writes that he is sending this note to his father, William Jackson Hooker, with 'Erebus' Seaman Richard Baxter, who has been invalided home. He asks WJH to assist Baxter if he asks. Baxter has been particularly kind to JDH, helping him when he was wet or cold. Baxter has not been in the Navy long enough to claim any benefits. He is not a drunk, his disease is 'organic'. JDH describes Baxter's physical appearance to WJH in a postscript.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Lady Maria Hooker (nee Turner)
5 April 1842
Source of text:
JDH/1/3 f.275-283, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

The HMS 'Erebus' has just returned from a 136 day cruise south on which they reached a more southerly latitude than the French or American expeditions. This is the first opportunity JDH has had to reply to his mother, Maria Hooker's, letter. He describes being confined to ship & how the vessels bear up in rough conditions in the Southern Ocean. JDH hopes his family is now settled in their new home at Kew 'Brick Farm House'. Comments that it has been so long since he saw a woman that they have become mythical creatures to him. Writes of his feelings at the illness of his sisters Elizabeth & Mary & the likelihood that Mary will die while he is at sea. The expedition will go south once again via St Martins cove near Cape Horn, following [James] Weddell's route, they hope to get further south than [Jules] D'Urville. The 'Erebus' will have to go to Rio de Janeiro for repairs. They will spend some months at the Falkland Islands & JDH will study the mosses, lichens & seaweed as recommended by [William Henry] Harvey. Discusses the prospect of becoming a member of the Athenaeum Club & Linnean Society. Despite the cold conditions JDH reports his health has been perfect. He was sometimes hungry during the voyage south as food supplies had to be carefully managed to make them last their time in the ice. Some bad tinned food was sold to them, they had livestock on board to slaughter for fresh meat & overall provisions were better than on their previous trip southward. They named one of the pigs Miss Franklin, which they considered an honour & compliment to the lady. JDH owes letters to various family members & scientific correspondents, whom he lists. Discusses some 'jewels' sent to for him through [Ronald] Gunn. Mentions Archibald Smith & 'little Minah' of the Smith family, his Scottish friends. JDH would rather send home his surplus pay than waste it in expensive ports. They have few newspapers but JDH has seen his father listed as on the council of the Royal Society.

Hooker Project