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Charles Robert Darwin
Joseph Dalton Hooker
10 May 1848
Source of text:
DAR 114: 112

Confident of species theory as result of applying it to cirripede sexual systems.

CD’s opinion of E. Blyth. JDH should meet Blyth, inquire about domesticated varieties, study insular flora, solve coal-plant problem.

Darwin Correspondence Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
18 May 1848
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.69-72, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH is sending WJH part of Niger Flora to be proofed by his mother, Jules Émile Planchon & George Bentham. Since last writing JDH has been over Darjeeling border into Sikkim, against orders of the Rajah, & to the border of Bootan [Bhutan]. He found: Cycas, India rubber tree, & Phoenix. As route descended, European genera such as: Oak, Maple, Birch, Alder Hydrangea, Violet, Hypericum & Rubiaceae became: Araliaceae, Alsophila, Urticae & scandent Leguminosa & at still lower altitude: Shorea robusta, Cedrela toona, Dalbergia sissoo, Alstonia, Pinus longifolia, Saccharum, Sterculia Fici, Rubiaceae, Gnetum etc which continue to the plains. JDH is drawing interesting plants, incl: Paris sp, Stauntonia, Convallaria, Chrysosplenium, Coptis, Sanicula, Magnolia & 3 Rhododendrons incl. a beautiful one with sweet scented white blooms. Palms are limited, Arums superb, one flowered in his tent & gave off significant stench & heat. Plans to go to Nepaul [Nepal] border & a hill only previously climbed by Captain Waugh of the Trigonometric Survey. Describes weather. Is sketching Himalayan landscape. Has found wild banana & orange. Is collecting woods & implements incl. cups made from knots of trees, a silver dagger from a Tibetan Lama, & a rosary made from amber, Cornelian, agate & vegetable beads. Not yet season for grains. Bamboo is staple product. Describes hard working Lepcha collectors & compares to lazy Bengalis. Discusses money affairs incl. salary & dealing with Barclay & with Findlay's house: McVicar Smith & Coy of Calcutta [Kolkata]. Will stay with Brian Houghton Hodgson; oriental scholar & zoologist. If allowed JDH will travel to Sikkim snows, if not to the Barrampoota [Brahmaputra], Assam & Sadiya & ascend Dapha Bum mountain. Will visit Jenkins at Gowahatty [Guwahati] & the Tea districts, Mopling fir forest, Cossya [Khasi] hills, Cherra Poonjee [Cherrapunjee] & Munneepore [Manipur] in Ava. Once back from Tongolo JDH will send live plants via Hugh Falconer at Calcutta.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Frances Harriet Hooker (nee Henslow)
26 May 1848
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.73-74, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Miss Frances Harriet Henslow [FHH]’s letter of 24 Mar has arrived. JDH thanks John Stevens Henslow [JSH] for note received through his mother. Yesterday collected monstrous ear of Thibet [Tibet] barley. Published his thoughts on this subject in the FLORA ANTARTICA; considers the awn to be the lamina of the leaf. Considers geographical distribution of the Cerealia very interesting & is collecting many notes. Discusses observations of crops grown in Sikkim, Bootan [Bhutan], North West Himalaya, Menchoona & Jungle Mehals in the West of Bengal & altitude the crops are grown at. Plants cultivated incl. wheat, barley, peas, orange, beans, buckwheat, sugar came, castor oil, tobacco, mango, jack, radishes, rice, peach, almond, turnip, bamboo, egg-fruited Solanum which make the Brinjals of India,. Is trying to obtain info on crops from Llamas en route to China. A variety of Plantain grows wild among the Rajmahal Hills, has sent collector for specimens from Bhangulpore [Bhagulpur]. Wishes JSH would publish Flora of Cibaria. Describes his day which included a visit to treat Brian Houghton Hodgson Hodgson [BHH], who has been ill. BHH was questioning a man in Thibetan [Tibetan] about geography of Central Asia. Called on Archibald Campbell [AC] to report his return from Nepaul [Nepal] frontiers. Men sent beyond the snows for plants returned, they collected poor, early spring specimens of: Pinus webbiana, three Rhododendrons, Primrose, Yam, Rhubarb, Aconite. Letters from FHH, Falconer, Lord Dalhousie, & Postmasters. Coolies & servants arrived with results of past expedition asking for payment & gifts or 'backsheesh'. Discusses medical work: table-servant, Bengali collectors who took him to Tonglo [Tonglu] & a favourite Lepcha servant called Jippoo are all sick. JDH & Portuguese factotum must do the work of drying plants themselves. Society is wretched but JDH likes the hardworking Lepchas who carry his supplies without complaint, they like him to, or else they would run away.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
26 May 1848
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.75-77, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH recounts his excursion to Tonglo Mountain, the plants observed & the collections made. Explains that cold, wet weather made many of his servants sick & unable to work. The most hard working were his Christian servant Clemanze & the Lepchas. Describes habits of Lepchas. Tonglo is 1000ft higher than JDH has been before, this was reflected in vegetation: Iris, Unciniae, 2 Arums, 2 dwarf Panax, Anagallis, Rannunculus, Aconite, Rhubarb, Thalictrum, Convallaria, above them the dwarf Bamboo forming a little jungle, Rosa, Lonicera, Holboellea, Vacciniae, Arbutus, Currant, Rubus, Daphne & Balanophora. Describes 3 new Rhododendrons & promises drawings & plants sent via Calcutta [Kolkata]. He is very keen to get them to Kew. Also collected: a Yew, scarlet Crategus, Rosa, Pyrus, Prunus, Pyrus, 3 Berberis, Wallich's Kadsura grandiflora & an epiphytic orchid. Describes new purple Magnolia. There was no grass & few ferns, lichens & mosses: Cryptogams poor in general. Got no seeds but will return. Has temperature readings for Lindley. Describes sojourn in Lama village, he stayed in the temple & observed the priests' rituals, then ate fermented barley from a woven bamboo bowl. Mentions types of bamboo grown & many useful items made from it, which he is getting for the Kew museum. Also has samples of cloth dyed with Mungeet, indigo & Elaeocarpus. Collectors have returned from Nepal, beyond the snows, where the flora is very different despite the proximity. Most of their collection is rotten, a Frittilaria & a Primrose may survive. JDH will send more collectors, relationships with China & border powers mean he may not be able to go himself despite the efforts of his political friends: Colville, Dalhousie, Elliott & Falconer. Has Carices for Boott & fungi to draw for Berkeley. Mentions: progress on the NIGER FLORA, Rose of Jericho, news of Tussack grass, observations for Humboldt, constant rain, general features of Himalayan botany & adds the letter shld be sent to Darwin at Down.

Hooker Project