Search: Hooker, W. J. in correspondent 
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Sir John Herschel
Sir William J. Hooker
Source of text:
Royal Botanic Gardens

Extent of WH's manuscript for JH's Admiralty Manual is fine. Please send it as soon as possible.

John Herschel Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
16 March 1848
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.55-58, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH is on the Ganges en route from Mirzapore to Bhagulpore & Darjeeling . He describes the climate & riverbank vegetation: grass, Dhal, Grain, Cicer arietinum lentil, Carthamus, Vetches, rice, Argemone mexicana, a Mudar possibly Calotropis sp., Ficus, Artocarpus, Leguminosae, Toddy Palm, a Phoenix, also animals. He describes his boat, Hindu crew & travelling set-up including sketch of boat. His servants are Clemanze & a Muslim called Thirkahl. He has a Pummalow [pomelo] in his provisions. At Ghazeepore JDH will meet Trench, see manufacture of rose water, & Bengal Army stud horses. At Dinapore he will see opium works & Dr. Irving. JDH explains the process of collecting & drying plants whilst with Williams, including drying paper used, the weather pattern & why it is the wrong season for collecting. Dryness in India means few Epiphytal Orchideae, ferns & Cryptogammia except Riccia. Other plants collected incl.: Vallisnera; Villarsiae; Potamogetons; one fungi, an Agaric; a Fissidens moss, few lichens & no Hepaticae. He describes an aboriginal bellows made of leaves procured for the Kew Museum, at fairs he buys boxes, beads & medicines. Roberts gave samples of cultivated grains. JDH critiques work done on the Calcutta [Kolkata] Botanic Gardens by William Griffith[WG] & Robert McLelland [McClelland] & outlines changes he advised Hugh Falconer make. He describes gale & dust storm of 18 Mar. Lord Dalhousie made Gurney Assistant Surgeon of the General Hospital. At request of Colville JDH wrote to Lord Auckland. He discusses Auckland's reputation. Describes a gun bought from Brown. Wight has promised to get wood & seeds for Kew. JDH wants permission from the Rajah to enter Sikkim. Discusses going to north of Bhutan to Tibet in the current climate of trade & war with China & the likely flora. The richest botanical areas in India are Sikkim, upper Assam, Sylhet & Mishmee & Cosiah [Khasi] hills. Discusses his Bengal collection. Mentions WG's publications & Harvey's microscope.

Hooker Project
Text Online
Wallace, Alfred Russel & Bates, Henry Walter
William Jackson Hooker
30 March 1848
Source of text:
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: DC English Letters 1848 Volume 26

ARW will leave London for Liverpool, then will set sail for Para, northern Brazil. Seeks official letter from Hooker’s Kew museum authorizing him and Bates to collect specimens for them.

Alfred Russel Wallace Correspondence Project