Obliged for the new edition of The Andes.
Obliged for the new edition of The Andes.
Describes the novelties found on his recent expedition to South America sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution.
Wants to dedicate to CD book [The Andes and the Amazon (1870)] which is modelled on Journal of researches.
Thanks JO for intending to dedicate his The Andes and the Amazon to him.
The discovery of marine shells high up the Amazons CD finds extremely interesting.
Sends a lower molar of fossil horse from Quito. Curious as to its species, especially in view of Owen’s findings in Mexico.
Has forwarded the horse’s tooth, sent by JO, to Huxley, who may be able to identify it.
Thanks JO for his The Andes and the Amazon.
Is sorry he has failed to get any information on the horse’s tooth.
JO found fossil shells in the Amazon Valley, which discredits Agassiz’s claim of a glacial origin.
Would like Huxley’s opinion of the fossil horse’s tooth from Quito.