Search: Pulteney, Richard in correspondent 
Smith, James Edward in correspondent 
1790-1799::1797 in date 
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Richard Pulteney
Sir James Edward Smith
4 May 1797
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/8/78, The Linnean Society of London

His practice too busy to allow him to visit London. Hopes Smith's "Flora Britannica" will prevent publication of "crude and indigested compilations of others", and pleased to hear of Smith's "Proteacea", "florula of New Holland [Australia] plants", and ["Tracts relating to Natural History"]. Would have liked to visit Smith in Norwich to compare his one thousand shell collection with Linnaeus'. [Thomas] Rackett has purchased [Emanuel Mendes] da Costa's plates [(1717-1791) English naturalist] and plans a new impression [of unnamed work but presumably "The British Conchology"]. Relieved to hear of L'Héritier's safety but disappointed he has not finished his works. Requests remaining numbers of L'Héritier's "Pertumn", "Gerania" ["Geraniologia"], and "Plantae Rariores" ["Sertum Anglicum"], and [Antonio] Cavanilles' "picture volumes" ["Icones et descriptiones plantarum"?].

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Richard Pulteney
1 May 1797
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/MS238/17, The Linnean Society of London

He has little botanical news, his lectures taking up too much of his time. His "Flora Britannica" and also a "Florula" of New Holland are going on well. Believes [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert has provided Pulteney with a sketch of his 'Proteacea', overseen by Sir Joseph Banks and [Jonas] Dryander: order of 'Rutacea' numerous and difficult; 'Dicandria Papilionacea' most troublesome of all; 'Pultenaea' stands firm. He has been "addicted" to butterflies recently; in a few days a "splendid" work on "the rarer lepidopterous insects of Georgia" is to appear, including new plants not figured in "Hortus Kewensis".

Invites Pulteney to Norfolk to see the Linnaean shells, reassures him that none "strayed" whilst they were being organised. About to publish a volume of miscellaneous natural history papers. [Adam] Afzelius and [Archibald] Menzies are preparing accounts of their travels. Staying here till 25 May.

The Linnean Society of London