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Ferdinand von Mueller
the Royal Literary Fund
17 December 1858
Source of text:
British Library, Western Manuscripts, Loan 96 RLF 1/628/23See Lucas (2013b). The item is the last entry on the folio, which consists of three letters of recommendation in support of an application to the Royal Literary Fund by James Rennie. The letters are from John Richards dated 16 December 1858, followed by one from Wilhelm Blandowski, of the same date, and then Mueller’s. Rennie had written to seek support from the fund in June 1858, and had been told to fill in a formal application form. Presumably this testimonial accompanied a form, not now present in the files. In his covering letter to the next application in 1859 (see M to Royal Literary Fund, 10 May 1859), he wrote:‘You say the gentlemen who signed my former application to you were strangers to you—Permit me to say that Dr Müller is known as a botanist all over Europe…’ (RLF 1/628/24)

No summary available.

Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller Project
Text Online
Ferdinand von Mueller
Royal Literary Fund
10 May 1859
Source of text:
British Library, Western Manuscripts, Loan 96 RLF 1/628/20

No summary available.

Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller Project