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Thomas Purton
Sir James Edward Smith
12 Jul 1822
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/ADD/80, The Linnean Society of London

Error in his recently published third volume of "Midland Flora"; found that his 'Trichia rubiformis' is not the 'T. rubiformis' of Persoon's "Synopsis methodica fungorum"; difficulty of making correct references from descriptions alone, for which reason he has preserved every specimen he could; observations on Persoon's species, confirmed in another Persoon work ["Tentamen Disp. Meth. Fungorum"]. Wishes he had seen [Robert Kaye] Greville's "Monograph of the Genus 'Erineum'" before publishing his third volume.

Asks Smith's opinion of [Samuel Frederick] Gray's work ["A natural arrangement of British plants" (1821)].

The Linnean Society of London