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Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
11 Dec 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/77, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for parcel and "Icones [pictae]"; spirit of the work "seems well kept up". Discusses Linnaeus' classification of 'Fucus foeniculaceus' and 'F. abrotanifolius' in his publications; his and [Samuel] Goodenough's paper on the subject; requests to see the Linnaean specimens. Received message and packet of grass seeds from [Edmund] Davall via Mr Forster, brother of the master of Norwich school. Requests a Sierra Leone penny for Mrs Woodward's collection. Requests Smith's to bring his "Tour" and "Linnean Transactions" vol 2.

List of queries for Smith to resolve if he cannot bring the Linnaean 'Fucus' specimens [annotated "sic in HL" by Smith].

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
31 Dec 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/78, The Linnean Society of London

Sorry Smith will not be visiting during his stay in Norfolk, but consoled by promise of summer visit. Laments death of Smith's brother, Richard, "a strong proof, how little great abilities & splendid genius avail, when not under the guidance of judgement, & how dangerous it is for a young man to give away to habits of indolence & inactivity". Admires Smith's "Tour", especially the preface, and thinks they must be "highly entertaining to a general reader", and of special interest to naturalists; problems with the copy; intends to order it in for his book club. Asks after separation of the "Natural History of New Holland" into botany and zoology volumes.

Received letter from [Samuel] Goodenough, who is in "great distress" over a fever at his school which has killed Mr Egereton, only son of Lord [Thomas] Grey de Wilton [1st Earl of Wilton (1749-1814)]; Smith had previously pronounced the boy "short lived". Sends sample of his and Goodenough's paper on 'Fucus'; their plan and comments. Notes on 'Ulva diaphara' of [William] Hudson's he has found.

[In Smith's hand at top of verso of first folio] Notes on 'Fucus capreolatus' Banks Herbarium being 'F. pinnatus' of Hudson.

The Linnean Society of London