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Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
31 May 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/20, The Linnean Society of London

Smith will receive via Mr Mandrot: a parcel of sixty plants; a collection of views of his neighbourhood; "Panzu" "Observationes botanicae", is still waiting for [Nikolaus von] Jacquin's "Enumeratio Stirpium ... agro Vindobonensi"; [Albrecht von] Haller's "Nomenclator" and extremely rare copy of "Catalogus Stirp. rar. Helvetia", he procured three copies from Haller's widow for Smith, [Dominique] Villars, and himself.

Gratified by Smith's response to his request to become godfather to his unborn child, and as he only wanted Smith to be a friend to the child will give it no godparents at all. His own views on religion: feels closest to God in his "herborisations". Thinks it odd that neither [William] Curtis not L'Héritier can admit 'Geranium pusillum'; defends his position. Extensive comments on Smith's notes on previous parcel of plants. Requests bulbs of 'bulbifera' of [James] Dickson. Requests Smith's opinion on 'Stellaria biflora'. Discusses 'Tussilago spuria' and 'Tussilago paradoxa' of [Ander Jahan] Retzius, and a 'Tussilago alba' he transplanted is flowering as 'Tussilago petasites'. Requests Dickson, [John] Fairbairn, [James] Lee, and Curtis to send hims seeds. 'Thlaspi alpestre' and 'Astragalus leucophaeus' in his garden from Smith. Wishes to buy bulbs and roots of Lee: can obtain 'Iris sibirica' and 'Iris germanica' but not 'Iris foetidissima', 'Geranium relflexum'. Desirious to see 'Cnicus cernuus', and would like 'Onopordon deltoides' "Hortus Kewensis" instead of 'Poinciana pulcherrima'. Sorry Lady Rockingham is ill.

Observation on 'Brassica orientalis'. Asks Smith to press Dickson for his opinions on the cryptogamia he sent last year, necessary for them to be authenticated for Swiss flora. Sending parcel of plants for [Samuel] Goodenough. Including 'Mespilus amelanchier' in this letter [in Smith herbarium, see RelatedMaterial below]. Settles money owed Smith for Dickson's first fasciculus of dried plants and postage of various letters.

The Linnean Society of London