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Eduard Sandifort
Sir James Edward Smith
25 Jun 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/9/5, The Linnean Society of London

Their university's "Museum anatomicum" has finally come off the press; sending copies to Smith, British Museum, and Sir Joseph Banks. Requests copies of all Smith's works and copies of first two volumes of "Linnean Transactions", which he hopes will settle the exchange between them.

Has recommended Smith to Schuurmans Steckhoven, whose grandfather was director of Vienna Botanic Gardens, who is seeking a London correspondent to exchange plants with. Requests English version of "Icones pictae" for a friend in Amsterdam who does not understand the Latin.

The Linnean Society of London
Eduard Sandifort
Sir James Edward Smith
13 Nov 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/9/6, The Linnean Society of London

Hopes his last letter reached Smith, in which he requested Smith send parcel of his books through Holstein, the Rotterdam booksellers; still has not received them. Asks that the book he sent [Sir Joseph] Banks be mentioned in the English journals ["Museum anatomicum"].

Requests copy of [Peter] Collinson's "History and Antiquities of Somerset" (1792) and to be informed of any similar works.

The Linnean Society of London
Eduard Sandifort
Sir James Edward Smith
19 Dec 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/9/7, The Linnean Society of London

Asks after the parcel of Smith's works, which has still not arrived, as the friend he ordered them for is constantly asking after them. Still awaiting a letter from Sir Joseph Banks. Books sent and wanted.

[Smith has briefly noted his reply] details of manner in which he sent the parcel; hopes to soon send "Linnean Transactions" vol 2; [Sir Joseph Banks] will write soon; has asked a friend to notice Sandifort's work ["Museum anatomicum"] in the "Monthly Review", which he never writes in himself, to avoid quarrels.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
James Sowerby
17 Aug 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/JS/2, The Linnean Society of London

Sends seaside plants to be drawn for "English botany", including: 'Santolina maritima', 'Euphorbia paralias', 'Nordeum maritimum', and 'Atriplex laciniata'. Also sending specimen of 'Pyrola maculata', a very rare American plant, for "Spicilegium [botanicum]", a new 'Campanula', garden specimen of 'Galeopsis villosa' for "English botany", and 'Mentha exigua'.

Sending parcel of 50 'Santolina' specimens to be forwarded to [James] Dickson for his "Hortus Siccus Brittanicus". Asks Sowerby to send two copies of ; requests him to send by coach two copies of "A specimen of the botany of New Holland" for [William Beeston] Coyte and Mrs [Elizabeth] Cobbold.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
James Smith
27 Jun 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/SM/5, The Linnean Society of London

Arrangements for his and Cousin K's [Nathaniel Kindersley] visit; he means to bring Howlings [his manservant?]. He has sat twice for [John] Rising [(1753-1817), portrait and subject painter], who has much improved his portrait to satisfaction of his sister, Miss Lane, and Sir Abraham Hume. Just received notification of his unanimous election to the Upsal Academy, particuarly pleased as the Swedes can have no partiality to him. Financial arrangements._x000D_

Corrects mistake of his father's regarding passage of [Jean-Jacques] Rousseau [(1712-1778), philosopher]; of his father's opinion regarding Esther and Fanny's [Smith's sisters] reading of him.

The Linnean Society of London
Johan Gustaf Acrel
Sir James Edward Smith
31 Mar 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/1/21, The Linnean Society of London

Sending fifth volume of "Transactions of the Royal Scientific Society of Uppsala", via Dr Avent, who is returning to England; wishes there was greater exchange of correspondence between England and Sweden. Smith unanimously elected to Royal Society. Concerned to hear that Smith's letter to a German on subject of sale of Linnaean collections has been disclosed, but gratified Smith wishes he [Acrel] be cleared of all impropriety. Clearance of his debts with Smith. Introduces Dr Bierchen.

The Linnean Society of London
Adam Afzelius
Sir James Edward Smith
16 Feb 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/1/28, The Linnean Society of London

Sending parcels of dried plants, fruits, seeds, roots, shells and remains of snakes and birds. The snakes and birds, if they survive, and some of the bulbs, plants and seeds to be passed to Professor [Carl Peter] Thunberg and a separate parcel to Dr [Olof] Swartz. By the same vessel has also sent plants, fruits and seeds to Sir Joseph Banks, [John] Sims and Mr Forster.

The Linnean Society of London
Carl Peter Thunberg
Sir James Edward Smith
30 Mar 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/31, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for 'Fl. Lapponica' and plants from New South Wales; negotiations for books; sends his Dissertations for Royal and other Societies.

The Linnean Society of London
Carl Peter Thunberg
Sir James Edward Smith
3 Jun 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/32, The Linnean Society of London

Sending two of his papers, ready for publication, and some plants, including a lichen from Japan, possibly 'Lichen saccharinus', 'Gnidia pinifolia' Linnaeus, and 'Passerina filiformis' and 'P. ericoides', for comparison. Hopes Smith received the parcel sent in April containing plants, articles, and description of 'Hemionitis parasitica'.

The Linnean Society of London
Carl Peter Thunberg
Sir James Edward Smith
30 Aug 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/33, The Linnean Society of London

Sends books and plants; offers Cape plants; observations on 'Flora Japonica'.

The Linnean Society of London
Martha Watt
Sir James Edward Smith
3 Jun 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/62, The Linnean Society of London

Touched by Smith's letter regarding her father [John Ellis (c 1710-1776), zoologist]. Would like to see Smith's collections when she is next in London.

[On the reverse of this letter is a note by Pleasance Smith stating that Mrs Watt was the only child of John Ellis FRS, "illustrous as the author of a work on Corallines" and direction to an additional letter in the "Memoirs and Correspondence of Sir James Edward Smith" [see RelatedMaterial below]]

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
16 Sep 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/16, The Linnean Society of London

Has just returned from a month long visit to Hastings, Sussex, where he saw the India, Jamaica, and Oporto fleets and collected marine plants. Fishermen brought a blue shark, 'Squalus glaucus', to shore, and as [Thomas] Pennant had only briefly spoken of the species decided to make a full description of it, and had an outline drawing of it made; proposes it for a paper [published as 'A Description of the Porbeagle Shark']. Has a specimen of 'Asplenium marinum' for Linnean Society herbarium. Found two new 'Ulvae' at Hastings. Asks the progress of printing of his paper on 'Carex'; wishes [John] Sibthorp could see it before he finishes his "Flora Oxoniensis". Baroness [Henriette Charlotte von] Itzenplitz has giving birth to a son at Kew.

On reverse of letter note "do get my vol. of Phil. Transactions" and a column of amounts of money.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
24 Sep 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/17, The Linnean Society of London

'Rottoellia compressa' from Botany Bay, [Australia], is in flower at Kew; would like Smith to see it as it is one of the badly described plants in the younger Linnaeus' "Supplementum" and believes it may actually be new. Proposes an errata for his paper on 'Carex'. Unsure if his paper on 'Squalus glaucus' will be ready for first volume of "Linnean Transactions" and whether it was male or female.

Asks Smith to tell the Queen [Charlotte (1744-1818), wife of George III] how he is filled with honour on being admitted to see her "Lightfootian 'Carices'" and should also want to see the 'Fucus' and 'Confervae'.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
3 Nov [1793]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/18, The Linnean Society of London

Has drawn up a list of errata in his paper ['Observations on the British Species of Carex'], begs that Smith print it at the end of the volume as it is essential for understanding his Latin. His daughter is recovering but his two youngest children now suffering from bowel complaints. Requests the plates.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
10 Nov 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/19, The Linnean Society of London

Apologises for the trouble he has caused in trying to preempt the punctuation corrections of the typesetters [for his paper 'Observations on the British Species of Carex']. Thanks Smith for naming the genus 'Goodenia' in his honour; asks for as many specimens of species as possible. Has no "violent objection" to Smith's use of the term "Tetrathica" aside from Linnaeus' own condemnation of it; believes it and Jussieu's 'Myriothica' are innocent uses but suggests the alternatives 'Excavaria', 'Cellularia', or 'Valvaria'.

Discussion of the "defect of Louis XVI" [an apparent infertility, from his marriage to Marie Antoinette in 1770 till their first child was born in 1778, presumably for inclusion in Smith's "Sketch of a Tour on the Continent"]. Goodenough believes it was caused by an "incurvation of the penis [...] owing to an uncommon shortness & rigidity of the fraenum" according to a commonly believed report from his brother-in-law who was in Paris at the time. Suggests wording for Smith's opinion of the defect, in Latin. The tooth-ache which left him "half dead" has been cured.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
Sir James Edward Smith
27 Apr 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/7, The Linnean Society of London

Outbid for a house at an auction but purchased three acres of good pasture ground for £430. Returns [Jonas] Dryander's observations and also for Dryander a few pages of his "Flora Anglicae" pamphlet and enclosed Smith the title page. 'Holosteum umbellatum' is in full flower and seed, his pot of 'Arabis stricta' no longer flowering and now resembles an '[Arabis] turritis'.

Encloses duplicate pages to correct printer errors in the large paper copies [of his pamphlet?]. Also encloses specimens of 'Holosteum umbellatum' for [William] Hudson.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
29 May 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/8, The Linnean Society of London

Forwarded the plants, books, and pamphlet enclosed with Cullum's last letter to [Jonas] Dryander and [William] Hudson, who died shortly afterwards. Hopes Cullum will send a copy of his pamphlet ["Florae Anglicae"] for Linnean Society. Hopes Cullum approves of tribute made to Hudson's memory under 'Melampyrum pratense' in "English Botany" for June. Glad Cullum agrees about 'Arabis stricta' being a 'turritis'. Will hasten to begin a "Flora Britannica" this summer. Great quantities of French china selling every day.

The Linnean Society of London
Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
11 Jan 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/55, The Linnean Society of London

His life completely secluded from contact with societies and individuals. Describes sudden death of his 84 year old aunt, and anecdote of a man who died with his cards still in hand. Glad of Smith's success with the Royal Family and hopes some reward will come of it.

Despite living as a hermit in September Lady [Lavinia] Spencer [(1762-1831)], the Duchess of Devonshire [Georgiana Cavendish (1757-1806)], and Lady [Henrietta] Duncannon [(1761-1821)] visited and he named the plants they had collected; the Duchess was rather indifferent as she prefers minerals to plants but Lady Spencer seriously intends to study Botany and Lady Duncannon has some aptitude, and he recommended Smith to them.

French politics: would like to see the establishment of a "reasonable & virtuous liberty & a state of things free from the abominable effects of intrigue & corruption" but unsure if as a nation they are "capable of great things, they always run into extremes & overshoot reason". Savoy peasants are forbidden from trading with Switzerland so must trade with the French for paper instead of money; "miserable as they were, many are still more so now".

Smith's pamphlets on slave trade: shocked by "the horrors practised on these unhappy men". Pleased with lichens and Smith's botanical instruction in his 9 November letter: will send more specimens of 'Linum tenuifolium' if requested. Pleased to hear of Afzelius and François [Borone] as the Berne Gazette has been reporting mortality and rebellion in Sierra Leone.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
26 Feb 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/56, The Linnean Society of London

Continues his numbered comments on plants in Davall's packet of July 1791: 'Salix incubacea', 'Dianthus carthusianorum', 'Dianthus virgineus' [Nikolaus von] Jacquin "Florae Austriacae" vol 5 t 15 also 'Dianthus rupestris', 'Arenaria dianthoides', 'Dianthus diminutus', 'Arabis bellidifolia', 'Arabis hispidia' "Hortus Kewensis", error in 'Arabis hispida' "Systema Vegetabilum" ed 14, 'Turritis hirsuta', 'Turritis alpina', 'Cheiranthus erysimoides', 'Cheiranthus fruticulosus', 'Rannunculus gramineus', 'Arenaria pubescens', 'Cynoglossum'. Transcribes extract from his fern paper on genus 'Davallia', observations and species. Puzzled by 'Thlaspi', fears he told Davall wrong about his C in parcel of 1791, and that it is 'perfoliatum'; intends to tackle this genus after 'Arenaria'.

His "Sketch of a Tour on the Continent" taking much of his time. Responds to Davall's letter of 11 January 1793: agrees with Davall on the French character; has communications with the Queen on plants; thinks he will soon be able to live by his own means; thanks Davall for recommending him to the Duchess of Devonshire [Georgiana Cavendish (1757-1806)].

Thinks Lady Rockingham is "too much a slave to her servants" and does not like her gardener, Greg. Will send plants for Davall from Botany Bay by Mr Mandrot. Not yet started on [Horace Bénédict] de Saussure's [(1740-1799)] lichens. Received encouraging letter from [Adam] Afzelius and François [Borone] in Sierra Leone; account of violence reported in Berne Gazette was probably occassioned by disturbance at Bulam. Glad to give 'Linum tenuifolium' to English botanists as they considered it an English plant. Aims to write six printing pages of his "Tour" every day. Hopes to get Davall a Dillenius ["Historia muscorum" (1741)] for about £10.

The Linnean Society of London
Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
5 Apr 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/57, The Linnean Society of London

His health is poor and after an emetic and other evacuations now feeling benefit of a course of 'Cinchona officinalis', though if it were not for botany, his wife, and Smith, he would be happy to die. Reminds Smith of his intention to visit in summer of 1793; he has no companion for his walks and is in "a kind of exile". His wife has given birth to a strong and healthy boy, if he lives he must be a botanist.

His library: obtained good Dillenius ["Historia muscorum" (1741)] from Paris for £11 and now has some of his chief desiderata of rare books including [Johannes] Loesel's [(1607-1655)] "Flora Prussica", [Fabio] Columna's "Phytobasanos", and [Nicolaas Laurens] Burman's [(1734-1793)] "de Geraniis", and [Paolo] Boccone's [(1633-1704)] "[Icones & descriptiones rariorum plantarum] Sic[iliae]" but not Boccone's "Museo di Piante rare". Sends money draft settling accounts with [James] Sowerby and [James] Dickson. Requests copy of Sowerby's "Flora luxurians" for his wife, though she prefers 'Geranium striatum' to the brilliant luxuriant flowers. Encloses paper from his Lausanne bookseller Mr Pott to be forwarded to Elmsley.

Smith should keep [Horace Bénédict] de Saussure's [(1740-1799)] lichens, expects to receive more. Has been unable to search for 'Anthericum serotinum' promised to [Richard] Salisbury as the only habitat he knows is 150 miles from Orbe; had hoped to receive Salisbury's coloured work ["Icones stirpium rariorum" (1791)]. Apologises for not sending seeds for Smith and [William] Aiton: 'Crataegus chamaemespilus', 'Veronica praecox' Allioni, 'Crepis leontodontoides' Allioni, 'Turritis alpina', Linnaeus, 'Avena strigosa' Schreber, will wait to collect fresh ones.

First postscript, on left-hand margin of verso of first folio: thanks Lady Rockingham for present of "Icones pictae" and hopes to obtain seed of 'Celsia linearis' Jacq. Second postscript, on left-hand margin of recto of first folio: asks after Mr Este.

The Linnean Society of London