The surveyor’s report has left RC even more puzzled and he may have to give up the Eildons altogether.
The surveyor’s report has left RC even more puzzled and he may have to give up the Eildons altogether.
The excellence of JH's Cape Results has humbled JE. Much of the letter is taken up with more in the same vein, citing specific examples.
Send presentation copies [of JH's Cape Results] to foreign recipients in name of R.S.L. Treasury charges duty only if books are presented by individuals. Will present JH's list [of recipients] at next meeting of B.A.A.S. council. Congratulates JH on winning Copley Medal. Will transmit copy [of Cape Results] to Naples.
Thanks for comments on HW's paper and work on properties of Bernoulli's numbers. Claims HW's method of continued subtraction is convenient process for determining numerical coefficients. Found error, long perpetuated in literature, regarding Bernoulli's 13th number. Offers correct solution.
Is obliged for JH's readiness to assist in the preparation of the Admiralty Manual. Will put matter in hand at once.
Everything safe for Longmans. Let him know if he requires any separate copies. Richard Jones is better. William Whewell is mortified at being passed over by the Windsor invitation. George Peacock does not care; he is too happy.