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Joseph Dalton Hooker in collection 
Gray, Asa in addressee 
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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Asa Gray
22 March 1867
Source of text:
JDH/2/22/1/1 f.24-25, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH writes to Asa Gray regarding Alphonse De Candolle [ADC] & his endorsement of Muller creating eponymous synonyms every time he adjust the limits of a species [see also JDH146]. Also comments on ADC's responsibility for the PRODROMUS SYSTEMATIS NATURALIS REGNI VEGETABILIS & on his opinion of ADC as a weak, vain man. Discusses his own recently completed work organising the order Cornaceae [for GENERA PLANTARUM] with reference to: a Himalayan Nyassa he found in Sikkim & Khasia, also mentions Benthamia, Garrya, Bursinopetalum, Mastixia, Torricellia, & Leranthaceae being relegated to Santalaceae. Cucurbitaceae are being printed & [George] Bentham is working on Umbelliferae & Araliaceae. JDH has been nominated for the Presidency of the British Association in Norwich, he fears it will interfere with his plans for an American trip. JDH & [Thomas] Thomson are to be jurors at the Paris [International Horticulture] Exhibition. Discusses the link between class & politics in Britain, predicts the future of political influence in the United States of America & points out the lack of representation of the British lower classes & aristocracy alike in the USA press. Notes that people & the press are more apt to complain about small problems, recently it was snow preparedness in London & bad ferry service in New York. Settlement of the 'Herbarium' affair & consequent payment will allow JDH to stay on in his position at Kew. Darwin is working hard at his 'big book' [THE DESCENT OF MAN[?]]. JDH wants to be informed about the progress of a young man who wrote an article on Agassiz.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Asa Gray
30 August 1867
Source of text:
JDH/2/22/1/1 f.27, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH urges Asa Gray to publish his botanical writings as a collection, such a work would help JDH with the preparation of Rubiaceae for GENERA PLANTARUM. He complains that the profusion of botanical literature written in the Unites States of America is left to be catalogued, arranged & distilled by British botanists. JDH's mother [Lady Maria Hooker] is ill in Norwich. No news of [George] Bentham. [Daniel] Oliver has not returned from Skye. JDH has told Milligan to send Gray a set of his Tasmanian specimens.

Hooker Project
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